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Dec 26, 2018

Education Related Full Form

A conference was held in UNESCO in 1998. In which 182 countries participated. Its report states that priorities of any country's education should be higher education. After ten years, our country's former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said in 2007 that 60% of the universities and 90% of colleges in India have a lower rating than average. This statement of the former Prime Minister will make readers aware that what are the problems of higher education in India? India is a developing country. India has flooded many areas. However, the fact that education was not able to do with the quality of the progress as it should be. Numeric increase has not been done, but the qualitative increase has not been the reality. If we look at internationally, we are far behind in higher education, research and ultra-model campuses, students' interest in disciplines with study, use of technology in classroom equipment, and after-study, everyday and government policies. There are many universities in India that even after the independence of India, it is not possible to repay it. Then came the change of the structure? If there is any other problem then there are problems. The main problems of which should be found.
The most basic and main cause is financial problem. UGC under the control of MHRD in India. Is done by UGC is responsible for the grant and payment of grant. Is from Delhi. There are only five sub-centers in India in total. Then, on time, granting grant to more than 350 universities and 20,000 colleges in India, UGC Has become very tough for As a result, the work of college and university does not occur in time. The cost increases over time. The effect of which is on other new tasks to be carried out and on quality. The attention and expenditure of the Somawas in the primary education sector of the government are not towards higher education.
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