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Showing posts with label Health Tips. Show all posts

Mar 29, 2023

Can you drink water in a copper vessel in heat?: It can increase the acidity, how much and when is it appropriate to drink it?


Can you drink water in a copper vessel in heat?: It can increase the acidity, how much and when is it appropriate to drink it?

The heat is increasing day by day. Just yesterday I bought a water bottle. Ayushi's room is next to mine in the hostel. Copper glasses and jugs are used for drinking water in every season.

She has been drinking water from a copper vessel ever since someone advised her to drink water from a copper vessel only a year ago. Is it proper to drink water in a copper pot in this heat? There is no reaction from eating and drinking in a copper vessel due to heat, right? Who should avoid eating and drinking in copper vessels? Today we will know the answer to all these questions in work news.

Question - What is Copper Charged Water?

Answer - Fill a copper vessel, bottle or jug with water and leave it for 8 hours. Drink this water in the morning. This process is called the oligodynamic effect, in which traces of copper dissolve in water. This water is known as 'Tamrajal' or 'copper charged water'. Copper water is purified by eliminating various types of bacteria present in it. Do not keep the water for more than 12 hours.

Question - Why do people keep water in a copper pot and drink it?

  • Answer - According to Jaggi Vasudev, founder of Isha Foundation, who is considered as a Guru,...
  • Drinking water kept in a copper vessel keeps Vata, Kapha and Pitta under control in the body, which protects our body from many types of diseases.
  • Copper is a type of mineral, which is essential for our body.
  • It is loaded with anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic and anti-oxidant properties. Which can prove helpful in making hemoglobin and developing cells.
  • Question - Can we drink copper water in hot weather?
  • Answer - Yes you can drink water but, you have to be careful about certain things.
  • First of all, do not drink water that has been kept for more than 8 hours.
  • A healthy person should drink a maximum of 2 glasses of water a day in a copper vessel.

Question - What is the relationship between heat and copper water?

Answer - Copper is used as bhasma in Ayurveda. If water is kept in a copper vessel for more than 8 hours, then this water is hot. For this reason, if you drink hot water during the hot season, you may suffer from many types of physical problems. Digestion of anything can also be difficult. Apart from this, drinking water with raw copper also harms health.

Question - Some people have a habit of drinking water in a copper vessel every year, is it right?

Answer - No, it is not proper to drink water in a copper vessel every year.

Question - Who should not drink copper water?
Answer - People with certain special diseases should avoid drinking water kept in copper vessels and eating food in them. Excessive consumption of it can lead you to 'copper toxicity'. Along with this, you may experience stomach pain, vomiting and many serious problems related to kidney. Along with this, it is also harmful for people who have hereditary diseases.

Hereditary disorders

Accumulation of excess copper in the body can lead to hereditary disorders. Copper accumulates in the eyes, liver, brain and many parts of the body. In that case, if you use a copper vessel, the situation will become more serious.

Hyper acidity

Since a copper vessel is filled with water for a long time, the effect of that water becomes hot. Due to which acidity is triggered, it can prove harmful for people.

Kidney patients

Excessive copper water can lead to toxicity in kidney patients. A patient who has leg swelling or is on dialysis should drink as much water as he can pass urine. In that case, copper water can prove fatal for you.

Heart related problems

Some people find it beneficial for heart related ailments but, it is not suitable for every patient. People who gasp for breath or gasp after walking a short distance should not drink water in a copper vessel. If you drink water in a copper vessel, consult a doctor.

Question - Is there any right time to drink water in a copper vessel?
Answer - Yes, if you drink water in a copper vessel in the morning on an empty stomach.

Question - What are the benefits of drinking water in a copper pot on an empty stomach in the morning?
Answer - Sadhguru has mentioned many benefits of drinking copper water.
  • 1. Stomach problems – Gas, acidity, constipation and indigestion problems can be gradually relieved.
  • 2. Detoxification – is the best way to flush out the body. It cleanses the blood, detoxifies the body. Blood volume increases.
  • 3. Anti-inflammatory properties – It has anti-inflammatory properties. This relieves joint pain, reduces swelling.
  • 4. Skin Beauty – Drinking copper water on an empty stomach flushes out toxins from the body, which is the cause of acne. It brightens the skin.
  • 5. Kills Bacteria – Kills all the bacteria present in the water in the copper vessel. Due to which the risk of virus and infection is less. One cannot get sick soon.
  • 6. Immunity Booster - The immune system of the body is strong. Copper generates energy as it boosts water. Controls hyper tension.

Question - Can drinking copper water throughout the day do any harm to the body?
Answer - If you drink water in copper vessel for a long time you may get headache, vomiting, kidney and liver related problems.

Question - How to realize that there is copper toxicity if the amount of copper in the body is increased?
Answer - If you are experiencing these symptoms, be alert.

Main characteristics

  • Bone related problems
  • Muscle pain
  • Weakness
  • Kidney problem
  • Abdominal pain
  • Vomiting
  • Excessive thirst
  • Change in taste
  • irritability
  • Lack of concentration

Question - Can pregnant women drink copper water?
Answer - Pregnant women should drink water after consulting a doctor. Even if you are drinking water before pregnancy, consult your doctor.

Question - Is it safe to cook and eat all types of food in copper utensils?
Answer - No, you can't cook or eat everything in it. It can harm your body due to chemical reaction.

Question - What mistakes should be avoided while drinking water kept in a copper vessel?
Answer - What are the mistakes we usually make, let us understand from the points written below.

1. Drink in the heat
Copper water has a warming effect and includes antiseptic properties. In this character, it is more imperative to do it in the cold season than in the hot season.

2. Not storing properly
Do not expose copper water. Keep covered. Do not drink water that has been kept for more than 6-8 hours.

3. Keep the copper bottle in the fridge
Do not keep copper bottles in the fridge. It is best to keep it at room temperature.

4. Not keeping clean
In whatever vessel you store water, clean it thoroughly. You can clean it with lemon juice if you want.

Question - Should you drink water in a copper vessel while eating or after eating?
Answer - According to Ayurvedacharya and Yoga scientist Nithyanandam Shri, one should not drink water while eating. Yes, you can drink plain water occasionally but never drink copper water. Due to this, digestion can be adversely affected. Due to this, it can cause trouble in digesting food and stomach ache.

Question - In which season should we drink water in a copper pot?
Answer - It is best to drink water in a copper pot during cold and rainy season. There are two reasons responsible for that…

According to Ayurveda, drinking water in a copper vessel on an empty stomach in the morning during the cold season will help in controlling all tridoshas i.e. kapha, pitta and vata. 2-3 glasses of water acts as a booster for your health.

During the rainy season, the amount of bacteria increases. Since these bacteria enter our body and cause harm to the body, sages and sages in olden days advised drinking water in a copper vessel to kill the bacteria present in the stomach.

Question - Can you drink hot water in a copper bottle?
Answer - If water is kept in a copper vessel for 7-8 hours, its effect becomes hot. It does not require reheating.

Worth knowing
Learn the proper way to clean copper utensils.

Use lemon and salt. Clean a copper vessel by applying salt on a cut lemon.
Mix salt in vinegar and clean copper utensils with it.
Put the ketchup in a copper vessel and keep it for some time. Then clean it with a sponge or nylon pad. After washing the utensil, apply olive oil and polish it.
Mix lemon with baking soda and apply it to the dish and wipe it with a thin cloth, the cloth will be shiny again.
Take proper amount of flour, salt and detergent powder. Mix white vinegar, lemon juice and water in it. Apart from this, polish the copper utensils with the help of homemade copper polish.
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Dec 1, 2021

Cure Allergies - Home Remedies

 Allergy is a process that disrupts the body's immune system, keeping the body's organs and all kinds of cells united and healthy, as well as keeping the body free from disease and infection. According to the doctor, there are people in the world who are suffering from some kind of allergy. Such individuals are commonly referred to as allergic. Medical science has made great strides in solving the problem of allergies.

Cure Allergies - Home Remedies

Allergens in the environment around us that trigger and stimulate our body's allergy system. This causes swelling of the trachea, swelling of the nose or even skin diseases. Allergens can enter our body in any way. Such as by breathing, by touching food or by injection. So today we will tell you about the causes of allergies and the simple, inexpensive way to prevent and treat diseases like allergies.

Read about types of allergies, symptoms, causes of allergies and simple, inexpensive home remedies to prevent them.

How allergies occur

Everyone in the world has a cold from time to time. But the causes of colds vary from person to person. Some get cold due to cold, some get cold due to getting wet in rain, some get cold due to change in climate, some get cold due to hot season.

Colds cause pain, fever and cough. Most people live in the illusion that the cold is normal and that it disappears in a couple of days. So there is no need to take medicine. But the fact is that the disease comes quickly. Such individuals take longer to recover. Therefore, if the cold goes away even after more than a week, the condition can be serious. Allergies are also responsible for the common cold.

Many people are allergic to dust particles or germs. In other words, organs that come in direct contact with the air are more prone to allergies. In addition to particles, allergens are also caused by certain substances entering the body. Such as allergies to food, medicine, the environment, and insect bites.

Many people are allergic to certain types of vegetables or fruits. It starts with abdominal pain, itching, small rashes, vomiting, diarrhea, or swelling of any part of the body. Shortness of breath in food allergies is rare. Many people are also allergic to certain medications.

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Allergy problems are also genetic. The effect of a parent's allergy on their offspring is also seen in their offspring. Allergies to dust and soil particles are very common. So people can't live without being exposed to it. Pollution is one of the main reasons why allergies are on the rise. However, it is not possible to avoid such allergies. But allergies to food and drugs can be avoided.

There are many types of tests that can be done to diagnose allergies. Diagnosis is usually made by a blood test. Reactions are eliminated with certain types of medications and steroids are also used if needed. Sometimes an allergic attack is so serious that a person falls seriously ill or falls into a coma. In many cases the patient suffers from heart disease and in one percent of the cases the patient dies.

Allergies are a mild problem, but for some it is a headache. However, over the last few years, medical science has made great strides in solving the problem of allergies. Complete treatment with many types of testing, medication and therapy is now possible.

Allergens are slowly delivered to a person through immunotherapy. Most people in India suffer from dust allergies. Such people should wear a face mask when leaving the house. Many people do not take allergies seriously. So some people don't take medicine on time. This also makes the problem worse. Adequate attention to allergies can also lead to asthma. So there is a need to be alert to allergies.

Allergy is a disease that never goes away. But if the causes of allergies are understood and taken care of, the disease will not bother you and you will be able to lead a normal life.

Types of allergies

  • By breathing
  • Pet contact
  • Mold due to moisture
  • Dust particles
  • Flower pollen particles
  • Injection
  • By injection
  • Insect bites
  • Diet
  • From the intake of drugs
  • Milk and milk products
  • Contact with skin
  • Jewelry
  • Pets
  • Synthetic substances like rubber
  • Some herbs
  • From the intake of certain foods
  • Carnivory
  • Allergy symptoms
  • Itchy nose
  • Runny nose or nasal congestion
  • Coughing
  • Sore throat
  • Sneezing
  • Itchy eyes
  • Watery eyes
  • Falling asleep
  • Panic or restlessness
  • Headache
  • Ears closed
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Abdominal pain
  • Reddening of the nose and surrounding skin
  • Common allergy prevention measures
  • Let the air circulate in the house
  • Don't let dirt get around the house
  • Pay special attention to cleanliness
  • Don't store extra rubbish or debris in the house
  • Have the air conditioner cleaned at regular intervals
  • Be careful not to get pests in the bookshelf
  • In summer, warm your bed mattress or mattress in the sun
  • Make sure that the furniture in the house is not damaged
  • Take care not to get moisture in the house
  • Do regular house cleaning
  • Wash pillowcases, sheets, etc. twice a week to prevent dust allergies
  • People who are allergic to dust should not keep carpets or curtains in the house

Beneficial oasis in Salekham

Get lemon juice in warm water and drink it at night while sleeping to get rid of cold.

Every night while sleeping, take one or two drops of sarsi or cow ghee by warming it warmly, it does not cure colds and also keeps the brain healthy.

Take one to two grams of crushed ginger in hot milk or two to 10 ml of basil leaves. Two to 20 ml of juice and ginger. Taking one teaspoon of honey in juice and taking it two or three times a day is beneficial in cold.

Dry the dried leaves in the shade and take a bowl. Boil a teaspoon of powder in half a liter of water. When a quarter of the water is left, strain it and drink it after getting powdered sugar. The experiment is beneficial in the cold.

In case of headache due to cold, chest pain and restlessness, apply warm water in ginger powder and apply it lightly on the sore spot. Drink boiled water with ginger paste. Get honey in ginger powder and lick it little by little every day. Using mug, millet, fenugreek and garlic in food can cure colds.

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Fresh mint juice is beneficial in colds.

Frequent application of anise and sugar powder in the mouth relieves heat cough.

Making lumps and ginger powder and licking it in honey daily is beneficial in cold and cough.

The habit of eating turmeric, salted roasted ajmo as a mouthwash after a meal, cures colds and coughs.

Shake on the chest with ajma potli. Ajman smoke should be inhaled.

In case of cold, salivary cough and phlegm, a handful of fresh roasted chickpeas with turmeric and salt should be eaten in the morning and at night while sleeping.


Increase immunity

A research was done by ENT specialists. More than 30 children between the ages of two and 12 were taken. He did a study on allergies in children. Children's immunity was tested before the study. It focused on natural remedies. Therefore, children were kept in contact with dust, pollen, particles and pets.

Constantly doing so boosted their immunity and they were never bothered by allergies. Doctors believe that children should be exposed to dust, hay and pets. It boosts the immune system and keeps it healthy in the future.


Allergic cold cough

It is important to know the full range of allergens or sensitivities. Knowing which person is allergic to which substances should avoid the causes of allergies. Special care should be taken to ensure that allergens do not enter the body.

A special state of sensitivity that is a kind of physiological reaction. In which the smallest thing or event causes a lot of turmoil in the body. The result is a number of allergic disorders, such as whooping cough.

The beginning time between two seasons when one season goes and another season comes which is called Ritusandhi in Ayurveda. The climate changes with the seasons. The body feels the adaptation of the new environment. Nature changes the weather in an instant but the body cannot tolerate such a rapid change. So the sensitive substances in the atmosphere cause some people different diseases. This process is called an allergic reaction. Some people have allergies to cosmetics, perfumes, incense sticks or perfumes. Many people get allergic disorders like cold and cough every two seasons.

The main entrance to allergies is the nose. Allergic disorders like cold cough, shortness of breath, itching, hives, shortness of breath etc. are seen due to the entry of airborne particles, dust, fumes, odors etc. through the nose. Allergic disorders also occur during menopause due to low immunity.

Allergens that are food proteins. It enters the body in many ways and produces allergic disorders by producing a state of sensitivity.

Ayurvedic Dr. Prarthana Mehta says it is important to know the full state of allergy or sensitivity. Knowing which person is allergic to which substances should avoid the causes of allergies. Special care should be taken to ensure that allergens do not enter the body. Often allergies to vegetables, beans, spices. After a long period of continuous observation, it is possible to know which person has which allergy?

Allergies to cosmetics, perfumes, petrols, incense scents should be avoided and face masks should be used to prevent allergies, colds and coughs from entering the person's trachea due to smoke, dust, air, water and dust etc. in a polluted environment.

Immunity should be boosted to avoid allergic disorders. Turmeric milk should be drunk. Boiled water can be drunk with ginger. Get enough sleep and focus on a nutritious diet. If roasted chickpeas, popcorn, dates, dried fruits etc. are consumed in moderation then the immune system is enhanced.

Allergic colds include runny nose, frequent nasal congestion, and occasional mild fever. Consume Tribhuvankirtiras, Chandramrut juice, Vyoshadivati, Sringabhasma, Mahalakshmi Vilas juice by taking medical advice.

Take castor oil in both nostrils with expert advice. Regular morning and evening sniffing. Travel should be minimized. Swimming should be done and make sure that you feel the direct air of the fan. Drink ginger and lumpy milk if you have an excessive cough. Turmeric milk can also be taken. In cough, keep Elodivati, Lavangadivati, Khadiradivati ​​in any one mouth and suck.

Ginger, mint, basil, cloves, ginger etc. should be used in excess in the diet. It is beneficial to take Sitopaladi powder and Jethi honey powder in equal proportions and take one teaspoon twice with honey.

What to do in cold, cough?

Bathing should be done with warm hot water. To rinse with salt water, sniff frequently. Doing pranayama. Walking in the fresh air, eating a warm nutritious diet. Getting enough sleep. If constipation persists, take triphala powder or herd powder with one teaspoon of water at bedtime. Avoid getting in the dust. Avoid salty foods, sweets and soft drinks and market foods.

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Nov 8, 2021

The magical benefits of drinking water in a copper vessel


The magical benefits of drinking water in a copper vessel

In Ayurveda and also in many natural therapies or elders it has been said that drinking water in a copper vessel has many health benefits to the body. Drinking water from a copper vessel flushes out toxins from the body. Which is commonly referred to as talk, cough and bile. Drinking water kept in a copper vessel develops the body's ability to control these three defects and it is because of these three defects that the body becomes diseased. Water stored in a copper vessel is also known as copper water. Drinking water kept in a copper pot, jug or glass for at least eight hours is extremely beneficial for health. So know today its many benefits.

Eliminates bacteria

The nature of copper is known as oligodynamic (the effect of sterilization of metals on bacteria) and regular consumption of the water contained in it can easily destroy the bacteria in the body. Drinking the water in it kills the germs of diseases like diarrhea and jaundice. But one thing to keep in mind is that the vessel should be filled with clean water.

Regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland
According to experts, water with a touch of copper metal normalizes the body's thyroid gland and also regulates its functioning. Drinking water kept in a copper vessel controls the disease, just condition that the water and the stored copper vessel should be clean.
Relieves joint pain, soreness and swelling
Drinking water kept in a copper vessel is very beneficial in joint pain and diarrhea. Copper utensils have properties that reduce uric acid in the body and eliminate joint problems.

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 અહીંથી જુઓ સંપુર્ણ વિડીયો


Makes skin healthy

Water kept in a copper vessel makes the skin glow. Drink water kept in a copper vessel and stay healthy in the morning to make the skin shiny. Apart from this you can also kill the peel on the eyes with this water and also wash the mouth with it. Skin problems will disappear.

Fixes digestion

In case of acidity or gas or any other common stomach problem, drinking water kept in a copper vessel gives relief. According to Ayurveda, if you want to get rid of toxins from your body, drink water kept in a copper vessel for at least 8 hours. This will eliminate the problems.
Prevents aging
No one likes growing old, as many problems start with it. Both men and women want the signs of aging to remain hidden. Then drink copper water regularly if you want to. Drinking this water removes wrinkles, loose skin etc. This type of water also removes dead skin and new skin comes.

Helpful in weight loss

Anyone who wants to lose weight should drink water kept in a copper vessel. Drinking this water reduces the extra fat in the body and does not cause any deficiency or weakness in the body. Water kept in a copper vessel also provides relief to the body.
Eliminates anemia

Copper is essential in most body processes. It works by absorbing essential nutrients for the body. Drinking water kept in a copper vessel cures anemia and disorders.

Supporting the fight against cancer

In case of cancer, you should always drink water kept in a copper vessel. Because the water kept in the copper vessel eliminates the problem of bile and phlegm. This type of water is rich in antioxidants which provide strength to fight against this disease. According to the American Cancer Society, copper helps cancer patients in many ways. This is a beneficial metal in which retained water provides the most benefits. Which has anti-cancer effect.
Eliminates anemia
This fact about copper provides the most surprises. Copper is very necessary and beneficial in most of the body's processes. This works to absorb the essential nutrients in the body. Drinking water kept in a copper vessel eliminates the problems of anemia and blood disorders.

Heals the heart and relieves hypertension

If a person suffers from heart disease or has any kind of heart problem, he should keep water in a copper jug ​​at night and get up in the morning and drink it. It is important to do this regularly. Drinking such water every morning makes the heart strong and healthy. Drinking water kept in a copper vessel improves blood circulation throughout the body. Apart from this the problem of hypertension also stays away from it.
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Identify Depression and Treat it for Depression

  Who gets depression? Depression is a very common disease. Depression can affect anyone - male or female, child or elderly, educated or uneducated, poor or needy. Depression usually starts between the ages of 30 and 40. Every hundred and twenty women and every hundred men get depression sometimes during their lifetime. According to the World Health Organization, depression will be the second leading cause of illness in the world by 2020.

Symptoms of depression: - The patient of depression is constantly feeling sad. He doesn't seem to mind anything. Symptoms include depression, helplessness, and anger. If you have any of the following four or more symptoms, it is advisable to seek treatment from a psychiatrist.

Identify Depression and Treat it for Depression

Sleep disturbances, late sleep, occasional eye openings, sleep deprivation two to three hours earlier than usual, refreshing, deep sleep or excessive sleep.

  • Loss of appetite, weight loss.
  • To be depressed, not to indulge in activities of interest,
  • Feeling weak, tired soon.
  • I'm of no use. Such an adenoma.
  • Constant frustration.
  • I have done nothing wrong, I have committed a great sin, the wrong feeling of being guilty
  • Lack of concentration, difficulty in making decisions.
  • Speak-walk-think become dull or become fast, gossip
  • Constant thoughts of death, thoughts of suicide or attempt.
  • Other Symptoms 12% of patients with depressive disorder have strong beliefs that cannot be dispelled by arguments, despite giving false evidence. E.g. My brain is rotten. My heart is pounding, I have committed unforgivable sins, I am of no use, I have become a beggar wandering in a poor way, etc.

Physical symptoms: such as pain in different parts of the body - head, body, chest, back pain, weakness - weakness, etc., patients go to the doctor for depression. The medical examination does not reveal any physical cause for these symptoms. In our country, especially all patients with depression go to the doctor with the same physical symptoms. If a proper diagnosis is not made, the patient has to undergo various tests. Many ineffective drugs are given, a lot of costs are incurred but the problems do not go away.

The above mentioned physical and mental symptoms persist for about twenty four hours in depressed patients. Sadness cannot be removed from any good occasion or good news. Some patients are reluctant to go to the doctor for treatment as they feel a burden on their family.

The biggest risk of depression is suicide. Depression accounts for more than 90% of all suicidal deaths. The first ten most important causes of death include suicide. Suicide is the third leading cause of death between the ages of fifteen and twenty-four. 17% of depressed patients die from suicide.

Contrary to popular belief, most suicide attempts and suicide attempts are committed by friends, doctors or family members. If someone talks about suicide, it should be taken seriously and diagnosed and treated by a psychiatrist as soon as possible, so that the risk of suicide can be avoided. The higher the risk of suicide, the higher the risk of depression in two stages: helplessness, depression, etc., when the patient is recovering from depression during treatment. .

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ડિપ્રેશન વિશે જાણવા જેવું

તણાવ અને મનોપચાર

Types of depression

Depression can be diagnosed if the symptoms persist for more than two weeks in a row. The more serious the depression, the greater the impact on daily life. As the severity of the disease increases, it becomes impossible to enjoy even the activities you like. Only with successful treatment can most patients recover completely.

Many patients have only one attack of depression and never experience depression again. But most patients have frequent seizures. The disease becomes chronic in fifteen to twenty percent of patients. These long-term patients may also have more severe depressive attacks.

About half of all patients recover from a second attack in five years. The period between two attacks is usually exactly the same person. They can handle work, social and economic responsibilities. No one even realizes that. That he had a disease before this. Fifteen to twenty percent of patients develop depression, which lasts for more than two years.

The onset of guilty feelings about having the affair, in the first place, further zaps whatever energy the partner having the affair might still have left. Such abrupt changes in mood are due to chemical changes in the neurons of the brain. About 90% of these patients can be completely cured with treatment and the symptoms of most patients can be controlled.

Depression in women

Depression is more common in women than in men. Physical as well as social factors may be responsible for this. The dual responsibilities of home and business, not having a husband, the responsibility of caring for children or elderly parents can be stressful. Endocrine changes during the life cycle - Changes during menstruation, miscarriage, postpartum, and around menopause increase a woman's risk of depression. .

It is common for many women to experience fatigue, restlessness, boredom, nausea, irritability, insomnia and crying in the immediate days after delivery. Treatment of depression only becomes necessary if multiple symptoms of depression last for more than fifteen days at a time. About 15-20% of women develop depression within a month of childbirth. In addition to treatment, help and guidance from the family in caring for the newborn is important. 

Depression in men

Men also get depressed but they can't accept it. Abroad, four times more men die of suicide than women. Instead of despair or helplessness, men are more likely to be irritated or angry. They also consume excessive amounts of alcohol or other drugs or are constantly on the move. Depression is a real disease that needs treatment.

Depression in old age

Most seniors are satisfied with their lives. Aging should not be considered as depression. Older people with depression typically complain of physical problems: sleep, hunger, pain, tingling, or poor memory. They don’t talk about sadness, not being happy, mourning for a long time after the death of a loved one, and so on. Depression can be accompanied by physical illness or depression. Aging can also be an effective treatment for depression. .

Depression in children and adolescents

Depression can also occur in children and adolescents. The child refuses to go to school, makes various physical complaints, stays attached to the parents, worries that something will happen to the parents, stays behind in teaching or the parents do not obey the teachers. Psychiatry is especially effective in treating depression in children. .

Why does depression occur?

Not one but various factors are responsible for depression. Depression is more common in some families. .

Some changes are seen in the brains of depressed patients. The brain is made up of countless coils of millions of interconnected nerves. Proper functioning of biochemicals, known as neurotransmitters, is used to communicate between them. Deficiency of serotonin and norepinephrine in these chemicals can lead to depression. Some physical ailments, such as hypothyroidism or drugs used to treat other physical ailments, can cause depression.

Any change in life especially a negative incident e.g. Money, prestige, loss of a loved one, etc. are often associated with the onset of depression. Depression often occurs after childbirth. Depression is especially common among single-parent mothers who are struggling to cope with financial difficulties, raising young children and raising a family.

Depression often begins after a stressful event. The sadness that results from a social situation is a common experience. E.g. If this happens after the death of a relative, will there be sadness? Are considered and are not treated. Many people in society face traumatic situations. But not everyone gets sick. Sometimes depression starts even if there is no stressful incident. Depression does not start with the wrath of mantra-tantra or gods and goddesses.


The doctor usually performs a thorough physical examination. Performs laboratory tests as needed. Checks for any physical ailments or medications for them that are responsible for depression. It asks the following questions. .

What's wrong?

  • Since when is the problem? How did it start
  • What is the effect of symptoms on life?
  • Has this happened before?
  • Was there any treatment for it?
  • What was the treatment? How much did it benefit?
  • Thoughts of suicide come?
  • Alcohol or other drugs?
  • Has any family member ever had such a problem?
  • What treatment did he receive? How much did it benefit?


Depression is caused by physical, mental and social factors. Therefore, medication, electric shock treatment, psychiatry and the support of relatives are also important for treatment. With medication alone, up to 90% of patients with severe depression can recover in four to six weeks. Electric shock shakes benefit 5% of patients. Different types of psychiatry help more patients.

If a family member of a patient is depressed and has benefited from certain medications, the patient is more likely to benefit from the same medication. .

Depending on the possible side effects of the medication, the physical ailment and the medication given for it, the doctor will prescribe the safest and most effective medication for depression in a particular patient. .

Medications are usually started with low doses. But the drug is increased until the effective dose of the drug is beneficial. Some of the symptoms of depression, such as sleep, appetite, etc., improve rapidly. Sadness is finally removed from Sai. It can take up to three to four weeks (in some cases two months) for the drugs to get the most benefit. It just so happens that there is a slight benefit from the medication now that it feels better. If it works without medicine or if there is no benefit, then there is no benefit from the medicine. Thinking this, the patient stops the medicine on his own. This is not right. It is important to take regular medication long enough for the full benefit of the medication. Often side effects of the drug appear before the drug can be used. .

Once effective, the effective medication should be continued in the same dose for at least one year

Comes here. If the drug is stopped earlier, the symptoms reappear. Usually the drug is stopped by slowing down the dose, not completely. Medications should not be stopped manually without consulting a doctor. Medications have to be taken for life if there are frequent seizures or if the depression lasts for more than two years. .

Depression medications are not the only sleep medications. Moreover, these drugs do not become addictive. The doctor will examine the benefits and side effects of the medication. If a person suffering from depression suffers from any physical ailment, the doctor should be informed about the antidepressant medication he / she is taking during the treatment. Anti-depressant medications are safe in themselves but can have the opposite effect if taken with other medications. Alcohol consumption is not advisable.

Anxiety medications are not antidepressants. But sometimes doctors also prescribe antidepressants, along with antidepressants, in the early stages of treatment for insomnia. Anxiety medications alone do not completely cure depression. .

Drugs called lithium, diavalprox and carbamazepine are effective for bipolar disorder. In addition to these drugs, antidepressants need to be given for depression in bipolar disorder. .

Depression medications can have side effects just like physical illness medications. But these side effects are short-lived and mild. A doctor should be consulted immediately if side effects of the medication affect daily life.


In psychiatry the depressed patient meets with a trained psychiatrist and the depression is eliminated through communication. Different types of psychotherapy can be effective. Psychiatry is usually done along with medications or electric shock shakes. Psychiatry alone is not effective in severe depression. Psychiatry alone can be effective in less severe depression. In psychiatry the patient is given an understanding of the disease. It is hoped that successful treatment will be provided. The patient is trained to discern negative thoughts, challenge them and replace them with realistic ideas. The psychiatrist promotes the expression of emotion and establishes a warm supportive relationship.

Electric shake treatment

Electrical shake treatment is given in cases where there are constant suicidal thoughts, hallucinations, drugs are not safe or the drugs have not benefited. The patient is injected and made unconscious. Then a mild electric current is passed through his brain. So that comes in wi. Such a shock comes.

Such treatment is usually given two to three times a week. About 5 to 20 such treatments are given until the patient recovers or seems to be ineffective. This treatment is completely painless, safe and effective. Sometimes he saves lives by eliminating suicidal thoughts. In some patients the memory of recent events is weakened enough for a few weeks. But this is not permanent. Medications need to be continued for up to a year even after the electric shock has healed. About 20% to 5% of depressed patients benefit from electric shock treatment.

How can relatives help a depressed person?

Self-help can help a person with depression to be diagnosed and treated in a timely manner. Patients with depression are reluctant to go for treatment because of negative thoughts and disability that nothing good is going to happen. With the insistence and help of relatives, they can be ready for treatment. According to the doctor's instructions, they should take the medicine exactly until the symptoms of depression go away (6 to 8 weeks). Once cured, the patient can take the medicine on his own. A person with depression needs support. It requires understanding, patience, love, and encouragement. It is important to talk to the person who is suffering from depression and listen carefully. Do not deny the feelings he expresses, but tell what the reality is and give hope. If he does not accept your invitation, insist again. Try to engage him in hobbies, sports, religious or cultural activities. But don't push too hard in this matter. Excessive pressure can also make me feel like I have failed. The depressed patient needs change, needs your support. You pretend, you are lazy. The mind becomes firm, what sadness comes? Don't say etc. Most depression is cured by treatment. Remember to tell the depressed patient for sure that the treatment and help will get better over time.

What do you do if you have a depressive disorder? It seems. It is very important to know that these negative thoughts and feelings are a symptom of depression. These thoughts and feelings will gradually subside when the treatment has a good effect.

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Oct 28, 2021

sore throat effective Ayurvedic remedies


If you have a sore throat, adopt these effective Ayurvedic remedies

Take 15-20 ml of mango juice twice a day with a teaspoon of honey

Troubles like sore throat with the changing seasons. Sore throat is also caused by a change in eating habits. Eating deep fried food like pakoda, bhajiya often causes sore throat. Ayurvedic Dr. Diksha Bhavsar said that sore throat can be avoided by adopting some home remedies.

Sore throat also causes pain.

1. To rinse

Add 1 teaspoon of turmeric and half a teaspoon of salt to 250 to 300 ml of water and boil for 5 minutes. When warm, rinse with this water. You can rinse 3-4 times a day. This will relax your throat.

2. Jethi honey powder will also benefit

Mix honey in one teaspoon of jethi honey powder, lick it twice or put warm water in it and rinse. Do this rinse once a day.

Mango juice is beneficial for the throat.

3. Mango juice

Take 15-20 ml of mango juice twice a day with a teaspoon of honey.

4. Beneficial fenugreek seeds

Boil one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in 250 ml of water for five minutes and strain it.

5. Cinnamon powder

Boil half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder in 250 ml of water for five minutes. When it is warm, mix honey and lemon in it and drink it.

Basil leaves are also beneficial in many ailments.

6. Basil leaves

Boil 4-5 basil leaves in water and strain it and drink it. You can also mix honey and ginger in it.

7. Black pepper is also beneficial

Dip turmeric and black pepper in warm milk and drink it before going to bed. This will get rid of the sore throat.

સ્વાસ્થ્યસુધા આયુર્વેદિક ગ્રંથ PDF અહીંથી ડાઉનલોડ કરો

આંખને સંબંધિત

આનુવંશિક રોગો


એલર્જી સંબંધિત

કિડની વિષે

કેન્સર સંબંધિત

જન્મજાત બહેરા-મુંગા બાળકો સંબંધિત

ચામડીના રોગ સંબંધિત

દાંત વિશેની માહિતી

પોષણ સંબંધિત

ફેફસા સંબંધિત

મગજને સંબંધિત

કાલ્પનિક ભય વિશે


લીવર સંબંધિત

શરીરના અંગો સાથે સંકળાયેલ રોગો                                  

સુક્ષ્માંણુંથી થતા રોગો


ડાયાબિટીસમાં અંકુશ

હાડકા સંબંધિત


હ્રદય સંબંધિત

8. Lemon and honey

Mix half a teaspoon of lemon and honey in warm water. Drink it Drink warm water all day. It will also give relief to the throat.

અહીંથી વાંચો સંપુર્ણ ઉપચાર ગુજરાતીમા 


All these home remedies will relieve sore throat. Sore throat is caused by changing seasons. It can also be cured with home remedies..

Ginger rich in antibacterial properties

Ginger has antibacterial properties, relieving sore throat and pain. Boil ginger in a cup of water. Then drink that water two to three times. Doing so will greatly relieve sore throat.

Garlic will get relief

Garlic is very beneficial for health. To relieve sore throat, keep a clove of garlic on both sides of the mouth and rotate slowly. The sore throat will be relieved as the garlic juice goes down the throat.

Salt water

When the throat is bad, the cells of the mucous membrane become swollen. Salt reduces this swelling, which is relieved. Apart from this, tea made from cloves, basil, ginger and pepper is also beneficial..

Drink cinnamon milk

Cinnamon cures sore throat. Heat the milk in a pan to make cinnamon milk, put a small piece of cinnamon wood in it and turn off the gas. Then mix honey in it and strain it. Sore throat and pain will be relieved.

Stay away from spicy dishes

Remember not to eat more spicy food when you have a sore throat. Avoid cold water and ice cream to control sore throat.

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Oct 18, 2021

Remedies to prevent hair loss | Ayurvedic remedies for dandruff and hair loss

Remedies to prevent hair loss | Ayurvedic remedies for dandruff and hair loss

Hair loss is a problem that is affecting more and more women due to the modern lifestyle.  It is not a matter of concern if the hair falls out a little, but women are most worried if the hair starts to fall out more or it turns white prematurely.  Hair problems are exacerbated by rain and the humid environment after the rains.  At the same time, dandruff and dry hair are more common in monsoons and winters, and in today's fast-paced life, there is no time for proper hair care.

 Remedies to prevent hair loss

 If a disease like typhoid or dysentery persists for a long time, the hair will fall out even after the disease has disappeared.  Intestinal diseases If the disease takes a chronic form or even due to some skin diseases.

 Breastfeeding for a long time after delivery also causes hair loss.  In addition, lack of nutrition, vitamin deficiencies and frequent short-term pregnancies can lead to hair loss.

 Excessive consumption of salty, sour, spicy, hot, spicy foods is also considered to be a major cause of hair loss.  The opposite diet also causes hair loss.

 Continuous regular use of caustic soda soap can cause hair loss.

 Different types of chemical essential oils also endanger the health of the hair.

 Psychiatry, anxiety, grief, fear, anger, insomnia are also responsible for hair loss.

 In women, menstrual irregularities, short menstruation, excessive menstruation, white discharge, ulcers on the cervix, sexually transmitted diseases, etc. also cause hair loss.

 Hereditary causes Chronic diseases of the maternal or paternal side, even if inherited, cause hair loss.  These can include physical or mental ailments, including dementia, epilepsy, dementia, diabetes, skin psoriasis, hemorrhoids, atrophy, obesity and many more.

 One of the above basic causes of hair loss is that if the causes of hair loss can be eliminated, giving it up can be beneficial even without treatment.  In Ayurveda it is called Nidan Parivarjan.  Abandonment of pathogenic underlying causes is called diagnostic modification.

 Once you know the common causes of hair loss, you can get rid of it and do the following treatment to stop hair loss.

Consume more milk and seasonal fruits in the diet.
Do not use soaps that contain caustic soda.
Hair should be washed with Aritha, Shikakai, Matho, Triphala, Besan, Buttermilk etc.
Take a mild laxative every week with a delicious laxative.

 Use only homemade oils like Brahmi, Amla, Bhangro, Dudhi, Ratanjali, Moth.  Sit for half an hour in the morning sun after pouring oil.

 Take Chewanprash with two teaspoons of milk in the morning and at night.

 Hygiene: - Take two tablets in the morning and at night.

 Lohasav: - Drink four-five teaspoons before meal in the afternoon and at night by adding the same amount of water.


 One of the above basic causes of hair loss, if the causes of hair loss can be eliminated, it is beneficial to give it up even without treatment.  In Ayurveda, it is also called diagnostic 'Parivarjan'.  Abandonment of pathogenic underlying causes is called diagnostic modification.

 According to Ayurveda, there are pre-existing causes in the body.  Due to these reasons, there is an accumulation of air and bile impurities in the body and these accumulated impurities become inflamed and produce diseases.  Thus the internal process of causing the disease is already underway.  If this internal process is broken, that is, if the pathogenic root cause is abandoned, the disease will calm down on its own.

 Once you know the common causes of hair loss, you can get rid of it by following a simple course of action.

 Consume more milk and seasonal fruits in the diet.

 Do not use soaps that contain strong substances such as caustic soda.
 Hair should be washed with Aretha, Shikakai, Matho, Triphala, Besan, Buttermilk etc.
 Avoiding night wakefulness, anxiety, tension, fear, anger.

 The diet should be nutritious and balanced.

 Take a mild laxative every week with a delicious laxative.  Use only homemade oil from substances like Brahmi, Amla, Bhangro, Dudhi, Ratanjali, Moth.

 Sit for half an hour in the morning sun after oiling.
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Sep 24, 2021

benefits of black pepper enhancing immunity


Include a pinch of black pepper in the diet to reduce weight and reduce wrinkles

  • You can drink turmeric and black pepper in milk to increase your ability to fight disease.
  • You can eat it by adding crushed black pepper powder on salads and fried potato chips.

Black pepper is used to enhance the flavor of risotto and vegetables. But it not only enhances the taste but also keeps the health good. Involving it in eating can eliminate many problems.

Turmeric and black pepper can be drunk by dipping it in milk. This milk is given to patients with severe colds. It is rich in antioxidants, vitamin A and carotenoids, which help fight diseases.

In the coronal period it needs to be included in the diet to increase the body's ability to fight disease. Dietitian Dr. Columbia Asia Hospital, Ghaziabad. Aditi Sharma explains, its benefits and how to use it

Eating it by chewing improves digestion

Black pepper improves the digestive system. Hydrochloric acid comes out of the stomach when we eat it with a fork and it helps break down proteins. Hydrochloric acid cleanses the intestines and protects the intestines from other diseases. Be sure to include a pinch of pepper in your daily diet.

Relieve constipation

Adding a few peppers daily to the meal relieves constipation. Eating pepper daily provides relief from colon cancer, constipation and bacterial related diseases. Pepper should also not be overused. A pinch of rock is enough for the body.

Reduces wrinkles

It helps in relieving skin problems and knowing the original color of the skin. Wrinkles and skin problems can be reduced if you use pepper from an early age. It also prevents black spots.

Useful in weight loss

Mix a pinch of pepper in green tea and drink it two to three times a day. It breaks down excess fat. Improves the body's metabolism.

How to use?

You can also add pepper powder with a teaspoon of salt in the salad. Eat fried potatoes or chips with a pinch of pepper powder.

When you make any soup, add a little pepper to enhance its taste. This will give you relief from the cold and also increase the taste.

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આંખ ની તકલીફના ઉપચાર અહીંથી વાંચો


Add pepper to the fried rice to enhance the flavor.

Fresh pepper powder can be added to anything. Pepper powder can also be used in salads, soups, pasta and buttermilk.

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