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Dec 21, 2018

Gujarat's Festival Detail

A ritual with a scientific point of view on celebrating India's festivals, its exact planning, someone has any story or history. Religious festivals play an important role in drawing people on the path of devotion, social festivals, love, affection, social services, and national festivals. In the words of kaka saheb, "Through festivals and festivals, we can maintain and nurture some organs of culture, We can memorize special occasions and their significance, season We can also know the concept of change. Festivals are ours. "It is very important to maintain the tradition of festivals and festivals. It is also important to maintain its texture along with it. This unique responsibility of educational institutions, social organizations and organizations will have to take the head. It is essential that every organization or organization celebrate festivals, keeping in mind the fundamental values ​​of religion. In India's villages today, the tradition and festivals of festivals and festivals have preserved the tradition and purity. It is important that the original purpose, purpose and reason behind festivals, not to forget, prevail ancient traditions and cultural values. In cities, festivals and festivals have given a form of beauty. Do not celebrate festivals and festivals as an obstacle to elderly, sick, students, people. False emotions, visible-sighted, delusional, and dash affect the lives of the people.

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