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Showing posts with label Fake People. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fake People. Show all posts

Dec 26, 2018

Some people are also 'fake'

Sometimes a person who has not been imprisoned can be a criminal. No sentence to hurt someone's heart is not in the law. How many people would have been punished if it was an offense to hurt others? Violence is not just physical. Mental violence is more cruel and dangerous. If someone breaks a limb, you have to go to jail but if you break someone's heart, then nothing will happen. Have we ever thought how innocent I am?
Every person has a small or large Taliban who lives in control of his own people. Many parents are also there. If you do not wear sleeveless dresses, tattooed, then I will break your skirt, I will tell you that you have to study, do not you get ashamed when you wear a booty with a boy? In the name of good teaching, children are the majority of the mischief-makers.

Sacrifice can never be imposed. Sacrament is only voluntary. Coercion always shapes the rebellion. No one is tolerant for a man while he is forcing, but no one is permanently forced. Those who leave home are not necessarily guilty. Often, homeowners are the only reason. Do you give your freedom to live or are you a dictator?
Not everyone stops, but one word says that man should cross over. Words too are brighter than weapons. Words can not be seen because it is not considered a crime. Criminals are falling apart using indecision of words. Whether you are older or senior in the house, you get the right to indirectly do what you want. You are innocent of the way that you use this right, the culprit is determined. Many such criminals are sitting in the elders and office-bearers in the house.

Yes, we often blame others, but do not ever think that I am innocent? Is the behavior of a man with a person coming to work at home? How much control do we have on our beloved person? It is possible only through liberation that it is not possible to take ownership in relationship.

Soech watch is risky. When you impose your will according to your wishes, then the person will start behaving in a private way and will be removed from you as soon as you match them. This is most applicable to lovers. Check out the reasons for the breakup, most of the time will be responsible only.

Endless love goes wrong. The nature is responsible for the taste and aroma. This is what a girl said. He said, I left my lover. I have to give account of what I did all day? Who did you meet? With whom did you talk? Why did you talk like this? Who are these SMSs on your mobile? Why is he calling you? You do not have to talk to her. Do not wear such a dress. Your sister is not good, you break her friendship. Eventually I broke up with him. It is not that only children are doing this. Domination is not a difference. Many girls also lose their love due to their love control. There is nothing wrong with regards to relationships, regardless of good-natured distinction. What I think is right and that is what I have to say that is the wrong way. Man has to decide whether he wants love or sovereignty? The coercion being done by good spirit is also not fair.
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