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Feb 19, 2019

GAS 2019 गाइडलाइन PDF by GCERT

Abraham Lincoln wrote a letter to his child's teacher as a guardian who was well-publicized. If Abraham Lincoln was present as a student in the 21st Century today, he would have written a letter to all the parents of the world by taking the necessary students. Parents' pressure on students has increased so much that students are more concerned about the promise given to their parents than their exams. The thing is like understanding. Tension on one side test tension and on the other hand to fulfill the expectation of parents .. Where can the student read? Does it mean that the 'expectation' is filled in the book's letters even in his mind?
 It is also true of the whole system of education, including some parents! We have more importance in the marks there. Our examinations are the same, where rhetoric and lustful knowledge only gives success. In the same way, one thing has come to the mind of everyone that the impact of the board exam of standard 10 and standard 12 is very much on the student's career. If the son or daughter is on the board then the parents have been giving more importance to this examination than the students. Students and guardians take board exam very seriously, which is not a bad thing. This awareness of the guardians can be called. But we should worry about the weight-weed weight placed on the student's name in the name of awareness.
It comes as a test that it is the examination that the parents of the students! You might have noticed that the student's textbooks studying in class 1 to 7 will know his mother better than the student's textbook! The student will not know what the test method is, but his parents need to know today!

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