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Apr 1, 2020

Standard 9 Textbook | Gujarat Government | Soft Copy

Most importantly, whether it is Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn or any other social media, do not consider it your
standard of eligibility or eligibility. Don't let social media get on your mind. Social media is just a way to stay connected with friends. Don't look at someone's fun photos and think that everyone is in concert and I'm alone or alone. Social media never estimates who is happy or who is hurt. There is more to hiding than what a man looks like. Get in touch with the people closest to you. Have a few relationships where you can talk all your heart out. Social media is a virtual world, and what is simulated is never true. If we take it as true, then it is our turn, not ours. Also keep track of how much time you spend on social media. If you spend more time with your people than you do on social media, think you are wrong. There is nothing bad or bad, technology is for us. If you like social media, definitely be active, just maintain proportion and stay awake with the impact on the mindset. 

पाठ्यपुस्तक -PDF File

Social media is increasing the number of mental illnesses. Decide if I do not want to register my name in CyberSec. You must have heard that saying, extremely perpetual!The eye blows the key to everything. The eye is the ion of the heart. The eyes reflect on what is going on in the heart. When the heart is rash, the eyes are a bit shaky. The speed of breathing and the mind's mind also keep beating in the eyes. Even after closing your eyes, a lot of scenes continue. Even when sleeping, dreams do not allow the eye to jump. The eyes of the rider explain the fact of the night. The eyes have a language. The language is simple, but not everyone understands it. To understand the language of the eyes, the eyes need more than the eyes. Not everyone has that vision. We also don't like the way all our eyes solve the language. That right is only available to some people. We don't even have the right to all of them. That is why we are looking for angles to weep. Some corners of the house are a living witness to our suffering. There are also some angles in the heart where not everyone gets access. Its doors are open to some people. Where is the dampness of the corner of our eyes all used to?

It is also fun to cry. If someone is a hoarder! The tears may have seemed a little too dry when there was no shelter. Tears are unfortunate when dry on the cheeks. The tears shed by our person's salvation also result in salvation. Tears also have a dimension. It is also a small shock to the eye by shedding tears on the ground. There is also slight tremor in the throat when there is an earthquake in the eyes. Do you ever want to cry? Can you cry when you feel like it? Where can we even laugh when it comes to laughing? That's what a girl said. Yes i cry All alone Right in my presence. I release my sensation in the event of a tragedy. Only the witness of the tissue has a dignity to cry. The throaty doom flows through the eyes. No one knows. Sometimes even the thought goes, Who turns, with my wet eyes? When the monsoon sinks in the eyes or when the summer breaks, where does one fade or melt?

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