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Showing posts with label Health & Fitness. Show all posts

Jan 20, 2021

Turmeric is an amulet cure for many diseases, you will soon know these are the benefits


Turmeric is an amulet cure for many diseases, you will soon know these are the benefits

Everyone has turmeric in their home spices. Turmeric is very beneficial for our body. Consumption of one teaspoon of turmeric daily can get rid of many diseases.

 Turmeric is very beneficial if consumed. Turmeric removes diseases from the body. Turmeric is not only a spice used in the kitchen, it is also very beneficial for our health and skin. Turmeric is used to treat colds and coughs. Turmeric has also been used for years to whiten the skin. You may remember the ritual of rubbing the back on the occasion of Hindu wedding, turmeric is also used in it.

Digestion will become healthier

Hot water and turmeric increase digestion. Taking hot water and turmeric together on a regular basis has a good effect on the digestive system and makes digestion healthy. People who complain of poor digestion should consume turmeric with water.

Breathing problems

People who have respiratory diseases such as sinus or asthma, bronchitis and whooping cough. Mixing turmeric with milk to get rid of it eliminates these diseases from the roots.


Hot water and turmeric are very beneficial for diabetics. And by drinking turmeric water, diabetes is always under control, so if you have diabetes, start drinking turmeric water. If most people suffer from diabetes then they must use turmeric. Turmeric heals the wounds of diabetes quickly.

Remove dark circles from under the eyes

Make a paste by mixing turmeric, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, one teaspoon teaspoon of besan and one teaspoon of tomato juice on the black circles under the eyes. Apply the paste on the black circles under the eyes for 10 minutes and then wash off with water. The black circles around the eyes will go away.

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Clean the blood

The benefits of hot water and turmeric are effective in cleansing the blood. Drinking turmeric water removes impurities in the blood. And the face becomes absolutely glowing. Therefore, people who are not pure blood should drink turmeric water. Drinking water for a week will clear your blood at once.

Reduce swelling

Hot water and turmeric are very beneficial to reduce the swelling of the body. When there is swelling in the body, you should drink water with turmeric. Drinking this water will remove the swelling and also give relief from pain. Turmeric contains an element called curcumin. And this element is effective in relieving pain and swelling. Falling often causes injuries. So by making turmeric paste and applying it on the injured part, the infected infection is removed.


Due to the invaluable elements present in turmeric, it is also very beneficial in horrible diseases like cancer. Consumption of turmeric on an empty stomach keeps the body clean from within. Mixing neem in turmeric tablets to prevent cancer helps in removing cancer cells from the body.

Weight loss

Hot water and turmeric are very beneficial for weight loss. People who are bothered by being overweight should eat turmeric with warm water every morning. Doing so will help you lose weight.

Beneficial for the brain

Turmeric is considered to be very beneficial for the brain. And drinking it with water always keeps the mind healthy and also reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Who should not consume turmeric?

Pregnant women should not consume turmeric water, as drinking this water may cause discomfort to women. And people who have gas problems. Even those people do not consume.

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Jan 15, 2021

Learn the benefits of sleeping on the left; 90% of people do not know which side to sleep at night, left or right?


90% of people do not know which side to sleep at night, left or right? Learn how to avoid stomach ailments as well as other ailments while sleeping

Within Ayurveda, it is stated that an adult should get seven to eight hours of sleep regularly. So that his health is maintained well. There is a lot of talk about a person's health in Ayurveda based on the way a person sleeps. Everyone's sleep patterns are different. Just as one sleeps on the left side, one sleeps on the right side. Some sleep with their back straight, while others sleep with their stomach upside down. But there are also conditions out there that are very detrimental to our health.

Much can be learned about a person's health based on how they sleep at night. There are many ways within Ayurveda Shastra by which any person can stay healthy permanently by sleeping in this situation. Usually people sleep at night in different styles. But if people use it incorrectly in bed, it can cause many kinds of damage to their health.

Sleeping on the left side usually after a meal or during the night helps maintain good health. It is considered very beneficial for anyone to sleep on the left side. But most people don't know why sleeping on the left side is the only way to maintain good health. And what kind of benefits does it bring?

The main reason behind sleeping on the left side is that according to Ayurveda, the stomach is tilted to the left side of a person's body, and that is why if you sleep on the left side after a meal, the food eaten inside the stomach is easily reached. And there the digestion is also done properly. And this is why the left side of the ground causes the digestive system to function properly and the food eaten is easily digested. Sleeping on the left side proves to be very beneficial for the heart. Blood circulation is also good. There are many other benefits to sleeping on the left side as well.

Sleeping on the left side does not put enough pressure on the heart and the heart can function properly. In addition, sleeping on the left side also allows the autonomic system to function properly. So that enough oxygen reaches every organ of the body. And that's how the brain and our body can function properly. Sleeping on the left side does not put pressure on the heart. That is why the working style of the heart is always good and sleeping on the left side is considered very good for health.

It is stated in Ayurveda that if a pregnant woman sleeps on her left side, it increases the chances of her baby developing properly inside the womb. And at the same time it has a good effect on the health of the baby inside the womb and the mother. Therefore, any pregnant woman should lie on her left side till she becomes pregnant. In addition, the heart does not function properly due to sleep on the left side. So that enough blood is available to every part of the body. And this is why blood circulation inside the body is done properly.

A pregnant woman usually has an enlarged abdomen. This puts pressure on the liver and kidneys. But if the pregnant woman sleeps on the left side, this problem is relieved and there is no pressure on the kidneys and liver. Lying on the left side does not put too much pressure on the waist, back and spine as well as relaxes the back muscles. So that the back pain does not remain. As well as a very dense and long sleep comes.

Another reason for sleeping on the left side is gravity. It helps to deliver food comfortably from the small intestine to the large intestine. So that in the morning the stomach is comfortably cleansed. As well as sleeping on the left side, oxygen flows evenly to the brain and other parts of the body. Which has a positive effect on our physical and mental health. In addition, sleeping on the left side can also prevent pain in the veins, back and neck.

Sleeping on the left side provides oxygen to all the organs and the brain. Which leads to good physical and mental health and has a good effect on the brain. Sleeping on the left side is considered to be very good for health as the body gets oxygen well. As a result many diseases can be cured. When sleeping in this position the stomach acid goes down instead of up. Which also reduces acidity and inflammation in the chest.

Sleeping on the left side reduces stomach related diseases, fatigue, bloating, defecation etc. Sleeping on the left side allows the pancreas to function more easily, thus strengthening the digestive system. Apart from that, the doctor also advises people who have digestive problems to sleep on the left side. Apart from that sleeping on the left side can avoid bile problems. As well as the problem of acidity and inflammation does not occur. Sleeping on the left side does not accumulate fat and obesity can be avoided. Thus sleeping on the left side has many benefits.

 Learn the benefits of sleeping on the left::

Sleep is very important for our body. Sleep relieves the fatigue of our body and the brain starts working faster. According to experts, the position we sleep in has a great impact on our body. Yes, that's right you can now become known as a Lord of the Rings. It is not possible for us to sleep on the same side. This is how a man turns around when he is asleep. He sleeps most on the side where he gets the most comfort. But did you know that sleeping on the left side can bring you many benefits? Many people also know that lying on the left side while sleeping has many benefits for our body. Many ailments such as heart disease, stomach upset, fatigue, bloating and other physical problems can be cured only by sleeping on the left side. Here we are telling you how sleeping on the left side is good for health.

Meals are digested with relief

Sleeping on the left side will be more effective if you want to digest your food. Sleeping in this type of position does not put any pressure on the digestive system and it does its job easily.

Beneficial for liver and kidneys

 The liver and kidneys are the only ones that get the most out of our bodies. That is why it should not be put under more pressure while sleeping.

Eliminates indigestion

For those who suffer from indigestion and indigestion, the doctor advises sleeping on the left side.

Stomach will be cleansed comfortably Sleeping in this position helps Gravity to relax food from the small intestine to the large intestine. Because of this, the stomach is easily emptied in the morning.

Keep the heart healthy

People who sleep in the wrong position at night have a weight on the heart. The correct sleeping position at night is on the left side. This results in less weight on the heart and a better supply of blood to the heart. Now if the heart is healthy then the supply of blood and oxygen will easily reach the body and brain.

Relief from acidity

If you have acidity after waking up every morning, understand that you were sleeping in the wrong position. But if you sleep on the left side, the stomach acid will go down instead of up, which will not cause acidity and chest irritation. Resting with a back pain It is believed that people who sleep on the left side do not put weight on their back bones and also get rest from the back pain. Doing so also leads to better sleep. Relief from Pregnancy Symptoms Sleeping left in pregnancy brings relief from whatever symptoms are present. Such as back pain or muscle aches etc. This is why this position lowers pressure from the back and liver and increases blood flow to the kidneys and infant.
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Jan 8, 2021

If you want to keep your lungs healthy, include these things in your diet


For a healthy and strong lung, it is advisable to avoid foods such as processed meats, alcohol, excess salt, and fragrant drinks.

 Keeping our lungs healthy is important for breathing. The lungs are a very important part of the body. The lungs are weakening due to the Koro epidemic and increasing pollution. Which is causing difficulty in breathing. A healthy diet is essential for keeping the lungs healthy. The lungs act as a filter of oxygen. To stay healthy, the lungs need to work without interruption. A healthy, well-balanced diet goes a long way to keeping your body strong, including your lungs. Generally, one should consume plenty of all the nutrients to keep one's lungs healthy. For a healthy and strong lung, it is advisable to avoid foods such as processed meats, alcohol, excess salt, and fragrant drinks. So today we need to know what diet to eat for a healthy and strong lung. Keeping our lungs healthy is important for breathing. The lungs are a very important part of the body. The lungs are weakening due to the Koro epidemic and increasing pollution. Which is causing difficulty in breathing. A healthy diet is essential for keeping the lungs healthy. The lungs act as a filter of oxygen. To stay healthy, the lungs need to work without interruption. A healthy, well-balanced diet goes a long way to keeping your body strong, including your lungs. Generally, one should consume plenty of all the nutrients to keep one's lungs healthy. For a healthy and strong lung, it is advisable to avoid foods such as processed meats, alcohol, excess salt, and fragrant drinks. So today we need to know what diet to eat for a healthy and strong lung.

Keeping our lungs healthy is important for breathing. The lungs are a very important part of the body. The lungs are weakening due to the Koro epidemic and increasing pollution. Which is causing difficulty in breathing. A healthy diet is essential for keeping the lungs healthy. The lungs act as a filter of oxygen. To stay healthy, the lungs need to work without interruption. A healthy, well-balanced diet goes a long way to keeping your body strong, including your lungs. Generally, one should consume plenty of all the nutrients to keep one's lungs healthy. For a healthy and strong lung, it is advisable to avoid foods such as processed meats, alcohol, excess salt, and fragrant drinks. So today we need to know what diet to eat for a healthy and strong lung.

 High Fiber Foods - 

Peas, lentils, raspberries and kidney beans are all rich in fiber. Which is very good for your lungs. According to research, people who eat more fiber do not have lung problems. The lungs work best compared to people who do not eat much fiber. 1. High Fiber Foods - Peas, lentils, raspberries and kidney beans are all rich in fiber. Which is very good for your lungs. According to research, people who eat more fiber do not have lung problems. The lungs work best compared to people who do not eat much fiber.

1 High Fiber Foods -

 Peas, lentils, raspberries and kidney beans are all rich in fiber. Which is very good for your lungs. According to research, people who eat more fiber do not have lung problems. The lungs work best compared to people who do not eat much fiber.

2. Coffee -

 There is good news for coffee lovers. There is a connection between regular coffee and healthy lungs. This may be due to caffeine, which is rich in anti-inflammatory properties and polyphenols, which are also high sources of antioxidants. All this can keep the lungs healthy.

 3. Whole grains -

 Whole grains are excellent for your lungs. These include brown rice, wheat bread, wheat pasta, quinoa and barley. Not only is fiber a high-grain food that has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, but it is also rich in vitamin E, selenium and essential fatty acids, which are considered good for lung health. 3. Whole grains - Whole grains are excellent for your lungs. These include brown rice, wheat bread, wheat pasta, quinoa and barley. Not only is fiber a high-grain food that has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, but it is also rich in vitamin E, selenium and essential fatty acids, which are considered good for lung health.

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4. Whole grains -

 Whole grains are excellent for your lungs. These include brown rice, wheat bread, wheat pasta, quinoa and barley. Not only is fiber a high-grain food, it also contains anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory

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Jan 5, 2021

High doses of vitamin-C can damage the kidneys, making them more dangerous as supplements

Krona knocked in the year 2020. The virus spread throughout the world before much could be understood about it. The virus entered India in March. No one knew the cause and treatment at the time. "The stronger the immune system, the safer we will be against the corona," the doctors said.

Doctors recommend taking vitamin-C to strengthen the immune system. People continued to consume vitamin-rich foods, including supplements, fruits, and vegetables. But now, experts in the US say, too much vitamin C can cause back pain.

Dietitian Dr. in Raipur. Nidhi Pandey says that intake of vitamin-C in the form of supplements is not good for health. This causes a lot of damage to the digestive system.

Excess vitamin-C intake can cause these 4 harms

1. Excess iron can be increased, other diseases can occur: Vitamin-C is a good source of iron. It contains a lot of iron. Iron is very important for the body, but if it is too much, it can cause many diseases. This can cause internal organ damage. It can also have a bad effect on the brain.

2. Risk of kidney damage: Vitamin-C intake has the worst effect on the kidneys. According to experts, due to excess vitamin-C, the pressure on the kidneys increases by up to 40% than normal. So there is a risk of kidney damage. It can also cause gallstones.

3. Imbalance of nutrients in the body: The biggest concern due to excessive intake of vitamin C is imbalance or imbalance of other nutrients in the body. When its levels in the body increase, the body's ability to absorb other nutrients decreases. This means that the body does not take in as many other nutrients as it needs. As a result, there is no balance of nutrients in the body. For example, vitamin C lowers vitamin B-12 and copper levels in the body.

4. Vitamin C can cause insomnia: It is a nutrient that activates the body's immune cells quickly. That means the body stays active, but does not feel tired. It also keeps us active in many other activities but if the amount is more than required then it does not cause sleep at night. That means too much vitamin C can cause insomnia.

Taking it as a supplement is more dangerous

If you are taking two oranges or two lemons a day, your body has too much vitamin-C for one day. But do you know the amount of vitamin-C in a supplement? Dr. According to Nidhi, half a tablet of vitamin-C supplements available in stores in tablet and powder form or half a teaspoon of powder contains more than two oranges of vitamin C. Now you think you're not one of those people who takes supplements twice a day? If you do, stop today.

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According to experts, chemicals are used to preserve vitamin-C in medicines taken in the form of supplements. It puts pressure on your kidneys. There are also colors and flavors. Vitamin-C intake in supplement form is more harmful than beneficial.

Natural Vitamin-C required up to a limit

Dr. "Vitamin C is essential not only for a good immune system but also for a strong eye," says Nidhi Pandey. Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin-C should not be ignored. We can take up to a limit of vitamin-C from natural sources.

Dr. "Most vitamin C-rich foods are sour or sour-sweet, but not every sour-sweet or savory item has vitamin-C," Nidhi said. Vinegar, for example, is also sour but contains acidic acid, not vitamin-C. Vitamin-C contains citric acid.

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Dec 19, 2020

Benefits of consuming mango

 Winter has come, drink mango juice daily to get rid of diseases

And is the best season in terms of health. Mango is a medicinal fruit. Mango, which is beneficial in many ways, is not a seasonal fruit but is suitable for consumption in every season. It is believed that seasonal fruits are beneficial for health. But mango is a fruit that can give you many benefits in every season. In Ayurveda, amla is considered to be the best of chemicals. Amla is the best and natural source of vitamin C. Vitamin C is a delicate element that is destroyed by the effects of heat, but vitamin C in amla is not destroyed. So learn about these rich qualities of mango

Benefits of consuming mango

  • Mango juice removes acne on the face.
  • Mango juice relieves constipation that occurs during piles.
  • Drinking ambergris juice regularly increases the brightness of the eyes.
  • If jaundice is due to liver weakness or an infection, it is more beneficial to experiment with mango sauce with honey.
  • If mango juice is taken daily with honey, it can be beneficial in asthma and bronchitis.
  • If there is excessive bleeding during periods, mango juice should be taken with three bananas daily.

By drying the mango fruit and soaking it in the amount of about twenty grams of behda powder and twice the amount of mango powder of about forty grams soaked overnight and applying it in the hair roots every morning, the hair becomes black, beautiful and dark.

If urinary problems are occurring, it is very beneficial to take fresh mango peel juice in the amount of ten to twenty grams with two and a half grams of turmeric and five grams of honey in the morning and evening.

To control diabetes, add five to ten milligrams of turmeric to five to ten milligrams of mango juice and take this mixture in the morning on an empty stomach.

Soaking it in honey for thirty days and eating two such mangoes daily makes it a tonic for health.

Diabetes stays under control

Mangoes contain chromium, which plays an important role in the treatment of diabetes.

Helpful in weight loss

Eat raw mangoes to lose weight. Also drink amla powder with honey and warm water. The difference will be seen in a few days.

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Keeps menstruation regular

It is believed that the minerals and vitamins present in amla relieve the problem of back pain during periods and help in regularizing menstruation.

નોંધ:- અમારો હેતુ માત્ર આપને સારી માહિતી આપવાનો છે કોઇપણ સારવાર એક્ષ્પર્ટ ની દેખરેખ હેઠળ કે આપની તાસીર મુજબ કરવી.

Immunity is high

Mango is rich in Vitamin-C, so it enhances the natural immune system.

Relief from heart related problems

Mango powder strengthens the heart muscles. It improves blood circulation in the body.

Eliminates urinary tract infections

Mango controls the amount of urine and relieves urinary tract infections.

Appetite is high

Consumption of mango powder with butter and honey before meals increases appetite. Mango is also beneficial in fever, indigestion, anemia.

Keeps the blood clean

Mangoes naturally cleanse the blood. If you have acne, apply amber face pack. Ambergris also helps in increasing collagen, which enhances skin glow.

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Dec 9, 2020

The nature of the body; Let's understand bile, Cough and phlegm in simple language

You may have heard the elders say, "That is nature, it will never change", so let me introduce you to this nature today.

Ayurveda is the only scripture that talks about the nature of man and explains its usefulness.

Ayurvedic physicians determine the medicine and its dosage according to the nature of the person. If the same disease occurs in two different people, the herbs and guidance may be different according to their nature.

  • The primary responsibility for all the actions of the body and mind during man’s life is shared between air, bile and phlegm.
  • Air is responsible for the movement of the body and all the matter inside it.
  • Bile is responsible for digestion and metabolism.
  • Cough is responsible for the formation of new cells and the immune system.

Do you know your nature

Everyone has air, bile and phlegm in their body but their proportions are different. If the amount of air is high then the nature of a person is said to be air nature. Understanding bile and phlegm in the same way. Nature is a very interesting and comprehensive subject to understand, but let's get a basic introduction to this subject just like the first visit today.

Vayu Prakriti: 

Those who are fond of talking or speaking, understand that they are mostly Vayu Prakriti. Those who are not satisfied with speaking only once and speak the same thing two or three times and speak differently, if they speak with haw bhav and halan chalan, then surely he should be understood as a person of airy nature. Both the body and the mind of this person are particularly dynamic. The shoulders and arms work just as well as the tongue when speaking. The power of their imagination is the most fun. The response of a person of airy nature can never be accurately predicted, as he is always behaving in an innovative way. Usually they live according to the mood so their identity also becomes that of a capital person. Flatulence, irregular bowel movements, and even times of hunger may change the nature of the air. Their skin stays rough because roughness is a virtue of air.

Bile nature: 

Bile is the representative of fire. The function of bile is to change. Bile is responsible for converting food into energy. Bile is representative of the entire digestive system. Just as milk and water can be separated by the contact of fire, so intellect like Kshir-nir Vivek means bile. Whose bile is proper, his intellect is proper. Clear decision making is a characteristic of bile nature. The cooling atmosphere is very conducive to bile nature but if the heat rises slightly the embarrassment increases, i.e. bile nature. Migraine headaches are especially common in people with biliary tract infections. A person living by discipline and principles is mostly bile in nature.

Cough Nature: 

Cough is formed from water and earth elements. Cuff nature is a person who is calm, stable, relatively slow and lively. Always smiling and avoiding hard work, has a special fondness for food, maintains relationships for life and is a loving person. If the skin is oily and white, see a reservoir in dreams. Has a serious gait like an elephant, has a very high immune system, has a very old memory.

Thus, even if the three components (faults) of air-bile-cough are present in every person, the excess of their proportions shows their characteristic. There must also be a conflict of nature. If everyone knows their nature and takes proper care of their diet, it will be much easier to avoid many diseases.

1. The effect of the wind is greatest in the morning

2. The effect of bile is in the afternoon

3. The effect of the cough is at night

Most of the morning there is air in the body which contains air and in the morning air is very necessary for the body. If there is no air in the body, there will be no toilet and those who do not have toilet in the morning, their life is in a lot of trouble. If there is no outburst of air in the morning, both feces and urine will not come out of the body and it will come out at its own speed and if it does not come out, the body will be poisoned. That is why nature has made a beautiful arrangement that PV is the best thing to balance the air fury in the body in the morning.

Read the photo below. It has also been scientifically confirmed.

Suppose a strong wind blows in the village today and it suddenly rains, then peace will come. The power to calm the storm is in the water so if the body is very irritated with air then you can drink the juice. The juice has the most water so it will calm the air so you have to drink the juice in the morning.

At noon there is the nature of bile because at that time the sun is very bright. The afternoon sun has a direct relationship with bile. The sun is directly related to fire and the more intense the sun, the more intense the stomach fire will be and the more intense the fire will be, the more intense the bile will be. Of the two, bile has the most calming power. One is ghee and the other is curd (chhas or lassi)..

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 અહીંથી વાંચો ગુજરાતી રીપોર્ટ

That is why in Ayurveda it is said that you can drink tak (lassi) after lunch. The body has a lot of phlegm at night so the strength to control the phlegm is in cow's milk, not in buffalo's milk, buffalo's milk increases the phlegm. Cow's milk soothes the cough. So at night you should always drink milk and juice in the morning and tak (chass or lassi) in the afternoon.

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Nov 23, 2020

Maharshi Charak Samhita all Ayurveda info book pdf

Maharshi Charak Samhita all Ayurveda info book pdf

Charak Samhita is a famous book which gives a very detailed introduction to the subject of Ayurveda of Hinduism. This book is written in Sanskrit language. The preacher of this scripture is Atriputra Punarvasu, the author is Agnivesh and the antithetical Maharshi Charak.

introduction to the subject of Ayurveda

Acharya Charak is famous all over the world for his invaluable contribution in ancient art and science of Ayurveda. Ayurveda is a medical science and a way of life that was developed during the time of ancient India. Maharshi Charak is world famous for writing "Charak Samhita". Charak, known as a native of Kashmir, is considered to be the father of Ayurveda.

Maharshi Charak was the first person to advocate the English proverb "Prevention is better than cure" i.e. "Prevention is better than cure". The following statement is dedicated to Acharya Charak. A physician who goes deep into a patient's body with the lamp of his knowledge and does not understand the root cause of the disease can never eradicate the patient's disease. He should first study all the factors related to the disease of the patient, the first of which is the environment, he should be treated only after his study. It is more important to prevent the root cause than to treat the disease. Apart from this, Maharshi Charak's contribution in physiology, pathology and embryology is also widely considered.

It is known from the study of ancient times that at that time the scripture or system was formed under the name of branch. As Kathopanishad has become in Kath branch. Branches or Charan was the university of the time, where many subjects were studied. Therefore, it is possible that the Charaksamhita was transcended in the Charaka branch.

There are three main names in Indian medicine - Charak, Sushruta and Vagbhatt. Just as the name Charak is the Charak Samhita, so is the name Sushruta the Sushruta Samhita. The Charak Samhita, Sushruta Samhita and Vagbhatt's Ashtanga collection are still the standard texts of Indian medical science today. The authenticity and relevance of these texts can be inferred from the fact that even the physicians of the medical system themselves do not know the names of the books of the then Greek and Roman medical systems. This book is still part of the curriculum today.

Creation time

Some words of Pali literature are found in Charaksamhita, such as Avakranti, Jentak, Bhangodan, Khuddak, Bhootdhatri. From this matter the period of teaching of Charaka Samhita is fixed after Upanishads and before Buddha. It is believed that the transmigration of this scripture took place in the time of Kanishka around the time of 6 AD.

The Chinese translation of the Tripitaka mentions Charak as Kanishka's royal physician, but Kanishka was a Buddhist and his poet Ashwaghosh was also a Buddhist, but the Charak Samhita strongly refutes Buddhism. Therefore, the relationship between Charak and Kanishka seems to be not only ambiguous but also impossible. It is difficult to settle on any vote in the absence of adequate proportions.

Organization of Charak Samhita

Acharya Charak was an ardent scholar of Ayurveda. He compiled the main texts of Ayurveda and the knowledge of Ayurveda. Charak Muni traveled and held meetings with all the physicians, gathered ideas and formulated theories and made them suitable for reading and writing. The Charak Samhita Granth is divided into eight parts and contains a total of 150 chapters. The Charak Samhita contains all the principles of Ayurveda and what is not in this scripture is not in any other literature. This book is considered to be the complete book of the principles of Ayurveda.


According to the Charak tradition, Ayurveda has six science schools which were founded by the disciples of Rishi Punarvashu Atreya. Each of the disciples wrote the Agnivesh, Bhela, Jatukaranan, Parashar, Harita and Ksharapani Samhita, but the Samhita made by Agnivesh is considered the best of them all. This Agnivesh Samhita was later revised by Maharshi Charak, which is read today as "Charak Samhita". The Charak Samhita was further amended by Dridhabala.

ચરક સંહિતા 

The main 9 sections of Charak Samhita are as follows:

  • 1. Formula location
  • 2. Diagnosis location
  • 3. Viman location
  • 4. Body location
  • 5. Sense location
  • 6. Medical location
  • 7. Aeon location
  • 8. Place of achievement

Thus the book had 6 main chapters in which there were 150 sub-chapters and all together 15000 verses and 3000 medicines were described. Treatments were shown for diseases related to almost every part of the human body, not all drugs and no chemicals were used in the treatment. All diseases were cured by natural elements and plants.

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Nov 18, 2020

Don't sleep: 15% of people in the country suffer from insomnia, here are 4 ways to get rid of it


Don't sleep: 15% of people in the country suffer from insomnia, here are 4 ways to get rid of it

  • Consult a doctor if you do not fall asleep late at night
  • CBT therapy and staying out of bed during the day

Does it get to 3 o'clock every night and you can't sleep? Then you get anxious and the next day gets worse. You also get sleep during working hours. Laziness always comes. If this is happening then it is a symptom of insomnia. This is a kind of disease.

Insomnia tops the list of diseases like stress, depression, negativity, anxiety and insomnia in 2020. It has the greatest impact in China and Europe. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), more than 15% of people in India suffer from insomnia.

There are four ways to prevent insomnia:

Corona has led to an increase in the number of people suffering from insomnia around the world, said Nancy Foldware, director of the Cleveland Clinic of Sleep Disorders. Anxiety levels increase in the corona and high anxiety levels are the biggest cause of insomnia.

According to experts, if you suffer from this problem, you must first determine the cause. Once you have succeeded in finding the cause, you will find your own way.

1. Don't fall behind in getting help

Anxiety levels are rising with news of deaths in Coronatime, family and friends being hit by Corona and losing their jobs. This is a factor that triggers insomnia i.e. increased insomnia.

2. Stay away from the bed during the day

"Sometimes we blur the line between work at home and free time," says Dr. Carriage Canpari, a sleep physician. That is, we live the same way in both work and leisure time. For example, staying in bed during work and staying in bed at rest. According to experts, this may also be a factor of insomnia.

3. Edit bed time

source: divya bhaskar

Insomnia is a type of mental illness. When a negativity or anxiety overwhelms us more than we need to, it causes insomnia. Therefore, experts say that the measures taken mentally to prevent it are more effective.

4. Kill Screen Time

One of the biggest causes of insomnia is poor body clock. And the biggest cause of body clock deterioration is mobiles, TVs and laptops. According to experts, people and most teenagers stick to the screen late into the night. Which causes their bedtime to change and even decrease. Gradually the body adjusts to it and then sleep does not come even though the time has passed.

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Nov 4, 2020

How to avoid getting sick in the cold

How to avoid getting sick in the cold: People suffering from asthma and migraines should be extra careful, learn ways to stay healthy in winter

  • Boil in milk, mix basil and turmeric and follow the instructions of PO, Corona properly.
  • Drinking a decoction of small pepper and poppy seeds with ajma will be safe for asthma patients

The winter season has arrived. Now we feel cold during morning and night. This season is known for eating and drinking fun and holidays. But the risk of getting sick this season remains the same. Dr. Aims at Bhopal. According to Vineet Dwivedi, one can avoid falling ill by taking precautions this season.

The winter season increases the risk of asthma and joint pain. Special attention is paid to senior citizens and children. This season, boiled, basil and turmeric milk are very effective remedies, which can save you from getting sick.

Precautions to prevent colds

  • Take pepper and cloves
  • Use basil
  • Use ginger
  • Use nutmeg
  • Drink warm milk with turmeric
  • Eat honey

Colds can cause these 8 problems, learn how to avoid them

1. Diarrhea

The problem of constipation i.e. diarrhea increases in winter season. Our digestive system works a little slower because the temperature is cold. Drink plenty of water this season to avoid it. Eat cumin powder after eating. It will keep your body warm. So, your digestive power will be good.

Eating more cold in the winter season should be avoided and walking should definitely be done after eating. Also keep taking black pepper and cloves to keep the body warm.

2. Migraine

Many people get headaches due to cold air and cold, which do not go away easily. When this happens apply the nutmeg PC in milk on the forehead. This will get rid of the headache very quickly.

Winter colds are very common. Therefore, the problems of people suffering from migraines increase this season. To avoid this, keep taking decoctions and anti-allergic medications on the advice of a doctor.

3. Dry skin

Lip cracking is common for skin in winter. Applying kokum oil on chapped lips has many benefits. This softens the skin of the lips.

ADO cracking of the legs also causes problems during the winter season. If this happens then applying onion paste or wax on the ADO of the foot will provide relief.

4. Cough and cough

Cough usually accumulates in the chest during winter and causes a lot of trouble. Eat figs for this. This will relieve the cough and relieve the cough. Such problems can be avoided by keeping the body warm. You can also drink hot milk with turmeric for this.

5. Fever

It is normal to have a fever if it feels too cold. To avoid this, it is beneficial to take ajma powder 3 times a day. A decoction of basil is also beneficial.

6. Viral

If viral fever i.e. cough, cold and fever occur simultaneously, making and drinking mint leaf tea gives relief. It is important to protect yourself from this.

Avoid viral this way

  • Wear warm clothes. Eat warm food.
  • Wear gloves and shoes when riding a bike.
  • Wear a mask.
  • Drink warm water.

7. Asthma patients take extra precautions

Excessive phlegm can increase the risk of asthma patients. Drinking a decoction of small pepper and poppy seeds with ajma gives immediate relief. Ginger and dried ginger are very effective for asthma sufferers. Experiment with ginger in meals and tea. Take dried ginger with honey.

8. Joint pain

The problem of joint pain remains in winter. Add 3-4 garlic cloves in fern oil, heat it a little and massage it after it cools down. It relieves joint pain and maintains temperature.

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Consume whole grains, ginger-garlic and jaggery to keep warm in winter and boost immunity

 Winter Diet: Consume whole grains, ginger-garlic and jaggery to keep warm in winter and boost immunity, learn its benefits from experts

  • It is beneficial to consume corn, sorghum, millet and ragi in winter
  • Sesame, peanuts and jaggery prevent dry skin

Winter has begun. Diet needs to be changed at this time. According to experts, winter should include things in the diet that keep the body warm and boost the immune system.

We are telling you about diet related items which are cheap and easily available. It has a warm nature with healthy. Dietitian and Ayurveda expert Dr. Learn from Kiran Gupta how to diet in winter ...


Include these 5 things needed in the diet

Whole grains: It keeps the body warm while controlling weight

Eat corn, sorghum, millet and ragi in winter. It can be taken in the form of thuli, roti. So the use of wheat will be reduced so that the weight will be under control. However, special care should be taken not to consume too much ghee with these grains.

Raw garlic, turmeric and ginger: It boosts the immune system

These 3 things should be consumed in winter. Apart from this green garlic and raw turmeric are also beneficial. It has medicinal properties. It increases metabolism, so that weight remains in control. Garlic can be used as a sauce and turmeric as a pickle.

Sesame, peanuts and jaggery: It brightens the skin

All three can be eaten together or separately. Not only is it warm in nature but it also contains a good amount of iron, which is needed in winter. The biggest problem in winter is dry skin. Regular consumption of sesame and groundnut keeps the skin glowing and smooth. Jaggery can also be used instead of sugar in winter tea and carrot halva.

Green leafy vegetables: It protects against phlegm

This season, green leafy vegetables including fenugreek, spinach, fern, chilli are more available. It is rich in vitamins A, E, K, folic acid, ions, potassium and calcium. All of these items should be consumed in any form at lunch or dinner. As well as controlling weight, it is also a expectorant.

Green Salad: Improves digestion and prevents weight gain

Carrots, radishes, tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, green onions are available in large quantities in winter. It should be included in both lunch and dinner meals. Green salads not only provide the body with vitamins and minerals but also improve digestion. Improving metabolism helps in weight control.

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Homemade ways to identify pure desi ghee .. Check at home whether the ghee is pure or adulterated

Homemade ways to identify pure desi ghee .. Check at home whether the ghee is pure or adulterated

Every article here will be very simple, logical, scientifically perfect. Therefore, only those who read the article and wish to increase their knowledge are requested to join us.

Domestic ways of how to identify pure desi ghee ..

Share this article with other housewives so that they too can know and identify pure ghee  Share this article as much as you can to keep many people in good health. Read more How many lives can be saved from this article by identifying the fake thing ..

Ghee is an important food of the villagers and still some villagers find it more suitable for ghee. So it is also healthier. The villagers eat pure and fresh ghee. But the ghee found in the city is not fresh or pure. Which harms our body. But there are different ways to identify it which we are going to tell you today.

Thus ghee is a nutritious food. But in today’s era everyone is drawn to cheese. Until recently, cheese was only made by foreign companies. But these foreign companies to sell cheese in India, they declared that the fat is even more fat than cheese. Doing so made their cheese sell more and reduced the importance of ghee. Thus, ghee is more nutritious than cheese and has less fat than cheese. So now you think that the consumption of ghee is beneficial or then cheese?

Impure or adulterated ghee harms our body and money. There are chemicals and ingredients in the market now that can give the same taste and aroma as pure ghee even if it is mixed with ordinary oil or vegetable ghee. In that we cannot identify pure ghee. Today we will tell you how to identify pure ghee?

Thus ghee is made from cow's milk and buffalo's milk but most of the vegetable ghee available in the market has the following ways to identify it which will be very useful to you.

1. 5 ml in a teaspoon of ghee. Enter hydrochloric acid (HCL). If the ghee turns red, it should be understood that the dark color is mixed in the ghee.

Insert four to five drops of iodine in a teaspoon of ghee. If it turns blue, understand that the boiled potatoes are mixed in it.

2. In a bowl, add ghee, hydrochloric acid and a teaspoon of sugar. If the color of ghee looks red, then it is understood that it is vegetable ghee. Image Source:

100 ml. Also add fufoureal, hydrochloric acid and alcohol to the ghee. After ten minutes, if it turns red, palm oil is added to the ghee.

Take some ghee in your hand and rub it on your hands and smell it. After a while if you don't get this scent on your hands then understand that there is something mixed in this ghee.

Take some ghee and heat it and then drain it in a cold pot and let it cool down. After a while if the color of ghee changes or its taste changes then understand that it is vegetable ghee. If it is pure ghee, it will be as fragrant as before and will taste good.


Share this article with other housewives so that they too can know and how to identify pure ghee લેખ Share this article as much as you can to keep many people in good health. And where is the impure ghee.

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Jan 20, 2019

9 Surprising Health Benefits of Ginseng Tea

9 Surprising Health Benefits of Ginseng Tea 

Ginseng Tea health benefits contain treating type two diabetes, lowering high blood pressure, relieving menstrual cramps, battling inflammation, and boosting the immune system, enhancing cognitive health, combating cancer, encouraging baldness, treating skin ailments, slowing the aging process, and providing energy.
9 Surprising Health Benefits of Ginseng Tea, energeticreact

Ginseng tea is a favorite for its many health benefits. It's possible to consume it to take care of a headache and also to boost cognitive functioning. The relaxing and soothing properties located in the tea are all successful in fever, influenza also relieves chest discomfort. The magic Ginseng tea does not only comprise health advantages, but it's every bit as helpful for your hair and skin equally. But, it's always suggested to eat everything in moderation to maintain any adverse effects.

What is Ginseng?

Ginseng has 11 identifying types but belongs to the plant genus Panax. The Panax signifies"all-heal," and it comes out of Araliaceae family. The American title for ginseng is Panax quinquefolius whereas, in Korea and other areas of Asia, it's called Panax ginseng. But, it is possible to get a massive number of ginseng roots such as crown prince ginseng and Siberian ginseng, however, they do not belong to the first Panax genus plant and also have different properties and functions.

Health Benefits of Ginseng Tea.

  • Type II Diabetes

Individuals who have type II diabetes may control their glucose levels by consuming an adequate quantity of ginseng tea. The ginseng is successful in this respect and may decrease your glucose levels in fasting and in following meal-sugar amounts too. It's an herbal product consequently; it's safe to be obtained with diabetic drugs. Experts also indicate controlling diet and a few physical actions to diabetic patients together with any medicine for satisfactory outcomes.

  • It Encourages High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure levels result in heart issues. That is the reason why experts highlighted on taking precautions in this respect. Among the convenient methods to normalize your elevated blood pressure would be to eat ginseng tea. Studies have proved that its contribution to reducing bad LDL cholesterol level in the human body too. This is possible because of the existence of ginsenosides from the Ginseng root that's proven to take care of this daunting health issue.

  • Menstrual Cramps

Consuming a hot cup of Ginseng tea is successful in menstrual cramps. Experts advocate American ginseng to girls who undergo regular menstrual cramps. According to nutritionists, swallowing ginseng tea can also be beneficial during routine stomach cramps.

  • It's Anti-Inflammatory

The origin of Ginseng includes anti-inflammatory properties consequently; it may soothe body discomfort efficiently. Additionally, a number of studies have concluded that ginsenosides have the possibility to fight inflammation. These elements are known to goal distinguishing levels of immunological activity on your system. Therefore, have a cup of Ginseng tea every day and keep inflammation at bay.

  • Boosts Immune System

Ginseng is a secure source to enhance your immune system. It's commonly utilized in herbal medicine for the same function. Ginseng tea contains properties which are beneficial for those managing chronic bronchitis. In addition, the miraculous adaptogenic properties can also be present in the herb which works to rejuvenate dead skin tissues in elderly individuals.

  • Physical and Cognitive Health

Experts advocate consuming Ginseng tea to enhance cognitive health and physical capacity. It's a mix of various properties which could stimulate physical and mental health in the event that you frequently feel weak and tired. It's the healthiest choice to improve your energy levels and endurance as the tea comes from a natural herb which does not include any negative results. It's proven to prevent psychological issues too such as depression and anxiety. What's more, it enhances brain cells which result in much-enhanced concentration and thinking capacity.

  • It's Anti-Cancer Properties

According to research, ginseng tea contains compounds that contain anti-inflammatory properties. The ginsenosides are proven to possess anti-tumor results and therefore are powerful enough to destroy prostate cancer cells, lung adenocarcinoma cells, and prostate cancer cells. The study also asserts that Ginseng can inhibit the advance of the cell cycle which leads to slow growth of cancerous cells.

  • Hair Health

Your hair needs nourishment like your general body. Beauty specialists frequently say healthy and strong hair signifies a wholesome body consequently; enriched your daily diet with nutrients packed foods like Ginseng tea. The curative properties of this tree are proven to soothe both the dry and itchy scalp, and normal ingestion of Ginseng tea is believed to deal with dandruff, severe baldness and help to hair development.

  • Heal Skin Disorders

Skin problems like psoriasis, acne or perhaps coarse skin frequently happen whenever your skin does not perform its role of rejuvenation. Consuming at least a cup of Ginseng tea can work amazing things for your skin. It's packed with healing and soothing properties which function to guard your skin against such ailments. Ginseng tea becomes absorbed into the skin quickly and promotes subcutaneous blood flow. Consuming it frequently does not only treat skin issues but enhances skin complexion too.
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