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Nov 8, 2021

The magical benefits of drinking water in a copper vessel


The magical benefits of drinking water in a copper vessel

In Ayurveda and also in many natural therapies or elders it has been said that drinking water in a copper vessel has many health benefits to the body. Drinking water from a copper vessel flushes out toxins from the body. Which is commonly referred to as talk, cough and bile. Drinking water kept in a copper vessel develops the body's ability to control these three defects and it is because of these three defects that the body becomes diseased. Water stored in a copper vessel is also known as copper water. Drinking water kept in a copper pot, jug or glass for at least eight hours is extremely beneficial for health. So know today its many benefits.

Eliminates bacteria

The nature of copper is known as oligodynamic (the effect of sterilization of metals on bacteria) and regular consumption of the water contained in it can easily destroy the bacteria in the body. Drinking the water in it kills the germs of diseases like diarrhea and jaundice. But one thing to keep in mind is that the vessel should be filled with clean water.

Regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland
According to experts, water with a touch of copper metal normalizes the body's thyroid gland and also regulates its functioning. Drinking water kept in a copper vessel controls the disease, just condition that the water and the stored copper vessel should be clean.
Relieves joint pain, soreness and swelling
Drinking water kept in a copper vessel is very beneficial in joint pain and diarrhea. Copper utensils have properties that reduce uric acid in the body and eliminate joint problems.

અહીંથી વાંચો સંપુર્ણ ગુજરાતી 

 અહીંથી જુઓ સંપુર્ણ વિડીયો


Makes skin healthy

Water kept in a copper vessel makes the skin glow. Drink water kept in a copper vessel and stay healthy in the morning to make the skin shiny. Apart from this you can also kill the peel on the eyes with this water and also wash the mouth with it. Skin problems will disappear.

Fixes digestion

In case of acidity or gas or any other common stomach problem, drinking water kept in a copper vessel gives relief. According to Ayurveda, if you want to get rid of toxins from your body, drink water kept in a copper vessel for at least 8 hours. This will eliminate the problems.
Prevents aging
No one likes growing old, as many problems start with it. Both men and women want the signs of aging to remain hidden. Then drink copper water regularly if you want to. Drinking this water removes wrinkles, loose skin etc. This type of water also removes dead skin and new skin comes.

Helpful in weight loss

Anyone who wants to lose weight should drink water kept in a copper vessel. Drinking this water reduces the extra fat in the body and does not cause any deficiency or weakness in the body. Water kept in a copper vessel also provides relief to the body.
Eliminates anemia

Copper is essential in most body processes. It works by absorbing essential nutrients for the body. Drinking water kept in a copper vessel cures anemia and disorders.

Supporting the fight against cancer

In case of cancer, you should always drink water kept in a copper vessel. Because the water kept in the copper vessel eliminates the problem of bile and phlegm. This type of water is rich in antioxidants which provide strength to fight against this disease. According to the American Cancer Society, copper helps cancer patients in many ways. This is a beneficial metal in which retained water provides the most benefits. Which has anti-cancer effect.
Eliminates anemia
This fact about copper provides the most surprises. Copper is very necessary and beneficial in most of the body's processes. This works to absorb the essential nutrients in the body. Drinking water kept in a copper vessel eliminates the problems of anemia and blood disorders.

Heals the heart and relieves hypertension

If a person suffers from heart disease or has any kind of heart problem, he should keep water in a copper jug ​​at night and get up in the morning and drink it. It is important to do this regularly. Drinking such water every morning makes the heart strong and healthy. Drinking water kept in a copper vessel improves blood circulation throughout the body. Apart from this the problem of hypertension also stays away from it.
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Identify Depression and Treat it for Depression

  Who gets depression? Depression is a very common disease. Depression can affect anyone - male or female, child or elderly, educated or uneducated, poor or needy. Depression usually starts between the ages of 30 and 40. Every hundred and twenty women and every hundred men get depression sometimes during their lifetime. According to the World Health Organization, depression will be the second leading cause of illness in the world by 2020.

Symptoms of depression: - The patient of depression is constantly feeling sad. He doesn't seem to mind anything. Symptoms include depression, helplessness, and anger. If you have any of the following four or more symptoms, it is advisable to seek treatment from a psychiatrist.

Identify Depression and Treat it for Depression

Sleep disturbances, late sleep, occasional eye openings, sleep deprivation two to three hours earlier than usual, refreshing, deep sleep or excessive sleep.

  • Loss of appetite, weight loss.
  • To be depressed, not to indulge in activities of interest,
  • Feeling weak, tired soon.
  • I'm of no use. Such an adenoma.
  • Constant frustration.
  • I have done nothing wrong, I have committed a great sin, the wrong feeling of being guilty
  • Lack of concentration, difficulty in making decisions.
  • Speak-walk-think become dull or become fast, gossip
  • Constant thoughts of death, thoughts of suicide or attempt.
  • Other Symptoms 12% of patients with depressive disorder have strong beliefs that cannot be dispelled by arguments, despite giving false evidence. E.g. My brain is rotten. My heart is pounding, I have committed unforgivable sins, I am of no use, I have become a beggar wandering in a poor way, etc.

Physical symptoms: such as pain in different parts of the body - head, body, chest, back pain, weakness - weakness, etc., patients go to the doctor for depression. The medical examination does not reveal any physical cause for these symptoms. In our country, especially all patients with depression go to the doctor with the same physical symptoms. If a proper diagnosis is not made, the patient has to undergo various tests. Many ineffective drugs are given, a lot of costs are incurred but the problems do not go away.

The above mentioned physical and mental symptoms persist for about twenty four hours in depressed patients. Sadness cannot be removed from any good occasion or good news. Some patients are reluctant to go to the doctor for treatment as they feel a burden on their family.

The biggest risk of depression is suicide. Depression accounts for more than 90% of all suicidal deaths. The first ten most important causes of death include suicide. Suicide is the third leading cause of death between the ages of fifteen and twenty-four. 17% of depressed patients die from suicide.

Contrary to popular belief, most suicide attempts and suicide attempts are committed by friends, doctors or family members. If someone talks about suicide, it should be taken seriously and diagnosed and treated by a psychiatrist as soon as possible, so that the risk of suicide can be avoided. The higher the risk of suicide, the higher the risk of depression in two stages: helplessness, depression, etc., when the patient is recovering from depression during treatment. .

અહીંથી વાંચો સંપુર્ણ ગુજરાતી 

ડિપ્રેશન વિશે જાણવા જેવું

તણાવ અને મનોપચાર

Types of depression

Depression can be diagnosed if the symptoms persist for more than two weeks in a row. The more serious the depression, the greater the impact on daily life. As the severity of the disease increases, it becomes impossible to enjoy even the activities you like. Only with successful treatment can most patients recover completely.

Many patients have only one attack of depression and never experience depression again. But most patients have frequent seizures. The disease becomes chronic in fifteen to twenty percent of patients. These long-term patients may also have more severe depressive attacks.

About half of all patients recover from a second attack in five years. The period between two attacks is usually exactly the same person. They can handle work, social and economic responsibilities. No one even realizes that. That he had a disease before this. Fifteen to twenty percent of patients develop depression, which lasts for more than two years.

The onset of guilty feelings about having the affair, in the first place, further zaps whatever energy the partner having the affair might still have left. Such abrupt changes in mood are due to chemical changes in the neurons of the brain. About 90% of these patients can be completely cured with treatment and the symptoms of most patients can be controlled.

Depression in women

Depression is more common in women than in men. Physical as well as social factors may be responsible for this. The dual responsibilities of home and business, not having a husband, the responsibility of caring for children or elderly parents can be stressful. Endocrine changes during the life cycle - Changes during menstruation, miscarriage, postpartum, and around menopause increase a woman's risk of depression. .

It is common for many women to experience fatigue, restlessness, boredom, nausea, irritability, insomnia and crying in the immediate days after delivery. Treatment of depression only becomes necessary if multiple symptoms of depression last for more than fifteen days at a time. About 15-20% of women develop depression within a month of childbirth. In addition to treatment, help and guidance from the family in caring for the newborn is important. 

Depression in men

Men also get depressed but they can't accept it. Abroad, four times more men die of suicide than women. Instead of despair or helplessness, men are more likely to be irritated or angry. They also consume excessive amounts of alcohol or other drugs or are constantly on the move. Depression is a real disease that needs treatment.

Depression in old age

Most seniors are satisfied with their lives. Aging should not be considered as depression. Older people with depression typically complain of physical problems: sleep, hunger, pain, tingling, or poor memory. They don’t talk about sadness, not being happy, mourning for a long time after the death of a loved one, and so on. Depression can be accompanied by physical illness or depression. Aging can also be an effective treatment for depression. .

Depression in children and adolescents

Depression can also occur in children and adolescents. The child refuses to go to school, makes various physical complaints, stays attached to the parents, worries that something will happen to the parents, stays behind in teaching or the parents do not obey the teachers. Psychiatry is especially effective in treating depression in children. .

Why does depression occur?

Not one but various factors are responsible for depression. Depression is more common in some families. .

Some changes are seen in the brains of depressed patients. The brain is made up of countless coils of millions of interconnected nerves. Proper functioning of biochemicals, known as neurotransmitters, is used to communicate between them. Deficiency of serotonin and norepinephrine in these chemicals can lead to depression. Some physical ailments, such as hypothyroidism or drugs used to treat other physical ailments, can cause depression.

Any change in life especially a negative incident e.g. Money, prestige, loss of a loved one, etc. are often associated with the onset of depression. Depression often occurs after childbirth. Depression is especially common among single-parent mothers who are struggling to cope with financial difficulties, raising young children and raising a family.

Depression often begins after a stressful event. The sadness that results from a social situation is a common experience. E.g. If this happens after the death of a relative, will there be sadness? Are considered and are not treated. Many people in society face traumatic situations. But not everyone gets sick. Sometimes depression starts even if there is no stressful incident. Depression does not start with the wrath of mantra-tantra or gods and goddesses.


The doctor usually performs a thorough physical examination. Performs laboratory tests as needed. Checks for any physical ailments or medications for them that are responsible for depression. It asks the following questions. .

What's wrong?

  • Since when is the problem? How did it start
  • What is the effect of symptoms on life?
  • Has this happened before?
  • Was there any treatment for it?
  • What was the treatment? How much did it benefit?
  • Thoughts of suicide come?
  • Alcohol or other drugs?
  • Has any family member ever had such a problem?
  • What treatment did he receive? How much did it benefit?


Depression is caused by physical, mental and social factors. Therefore, medication, electric shock treatment, psychiatry and the support of relatives are also important for treatment. With medication alone, up to 90% of patients with severe depression can recover in four to six weeks. Electric shock shakes benefit 5% of patients. Different types of psychiatry help more patients.

If a family member of a patient is depressed and has benefited from certain medications, the patient is more likely to benefit from the same medication. .

Depending on the possible side effects of the medication, the physical ailment and the medication given for it, the doctor will prescribe the safest and most effective medication for depression in a particular patient. .

Medications are usually started with low doses. But the drug is increased until the effective dose of the drug is beneficial. Some of the symptoms of depression, such as sleep, appetite, etc., improve rapidly. Sadness is finally removed from Sai. It can take up to three to four weeks (in some cases two months) for the drugs to get the most benefit. It just so happens that there is a slight benefit from the medication now that it feels better. If it works without medicine or if there is no benefit, then there is no benefit from the medicine. Thinking this, the patient stops the medicine on his own. This is not right. It is important to take regular medication long enough for the full benefit of the medication. Often side effects of the drug appear before the drug can be used. .

Once effective, the effective medication should be continued in the same dose for at least one year

Comes here. If the drug is stopped earlier, the symptoms reappear. Usually the drug is stopped by slowing down the dose, not completely. Medications should not be stopped manually without consulting a doctor. Medications have to be taken for life if there are frequent seizures or if the depression lasts for more than two years. .

Depression medications are not the only sleep medications. Moreover, these drugs do not become addictive. The doctor will examine the benefits and side effects of the medication. If a person suffering from depression suffers from any physical ailment, the doctor should be informed about the antidepressant medication he / she is taking during the treatment. Anti-depressant medications are safe in themselves but can have the opposite effect if taken with other medications. Alcohol consumption is not advisable.

Anxiety medications are not antidepressants. But sometimes doctors also prescribe antidepressants, along with antidepressants, in the early stages of treatment for insomnia. Anxiety medications alone do not completely cure depression. .

Drugs called lithium, diavalprox and carbamazepine are effective for bipolar disorder. In addition to these drugs, antidepressants need to be given for depression in bipolar disorder. .

Depression medications can have side effects just like physical illness medications. But these side effects are short-lived and mild. A doctor should be consulted immediately if side effects of the medication affect daily life.


In psychiatry the depressed patient meets with a trained psychiatrist and the depression is eliminated through communication. Different types of psychotherapy can be effective. Psychiatry is usually done along with medications or electric shock shakes. Psychiatry alone is not effective in severe depression. Psychiatry alone can be effective in less severe depression. In psychiatry the patient is given an understanding of the disease. It is hoped that successful treatment will be provided. The patient is trained to discern negative thoughts, challenge them and replace them with realistic ideas. The psychiatrist promotes the expression of emotion and establishes a warm supportive relationship.

Electric shake treatment

Electrical shake treatment is given in cases where there are constant suicidal thoughts, hallucinations, drugs are not safe or the drugs have not benefited. The patient is injected and made unconscious. Then a mild electric current is passed through his brain. So that comes in wi. Such a shock comes.

Such treatment is usually given two to three times a week. About 5 to 20 such treatments are given until the patient recovers or seems to be ineffective. This treatment is completely painless, safe and effective. Sometimes he saves lives by eliminating suicidal thoughts. In some patients the memory of recent events is weakened enough for a few weeks. But this is not permanent. Medications need to be continued for up to a year even after the electric shock has healed. About 20% to 5% of depressed patients benefit from electric shock treatment.

How can relatives help a depressed person?

Self-help can help a person with depression to be diagnosed and treated in a timely manner. Patients with depression are reluctant to go for treatment because of negative thoughts and disability that nothing good is going to happen. With the insistence and help of relatives, they can be ready for treatment. According to the doctor's instructions, they should take the medicine exactly until the symptoms of depression go away (6 to 8 weeks). Once cured, the patient can take the medicine on his own. A person with depression needs support. It requires understanding, patience, love, and encouragement. It is important to talk to the person who is suffering from depression and listen carefully. Do not deny the feelings he expresses, but tell what the reality is and give hope. If he does not accept your invitation, insist again. Try to engage him in hobbies, sports, religious or cultural activities. But don't push too hard in this matter. Excessive pressure can also make me feel like I have failed. The depressed patient needs change, needs your support. You pretend, you are lazy. The mind becomes firm, what sadness comes? Don't say etc. Most depression is cured by treatment. Remember to tell the depressed patient for sure that the treatment and help will get better over time.

What do you do if you have a depressive disorder? It seems. It is very important to know that these negative thoughts and feelings are a symptom of depression. These thoughts and feelings will gradually subside when the treatment has a good effect.

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Nov 6, 2021

GMRC Recruitment 2021 | Apply Online for Assistant Manager & Other Posts

GMRC Recruitment 2021 | Apply Online for Assistant Manager & Other Posts

GMRC Recruitment 2021 | Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation (GMRC) Limited has published a notification for the recruitment of various post. Those candidates who are interested in the recruitment of various details. You can find other details like post name, age limit, educational qualification, experience, selection process, syllabus, application fee and how to apply are given below. Keep checking OjasAlert regularly to get the latest updates. 

GMRC Recruitment 2021 | Apply Online for Assistant Manager & Other Posts

Posts Name:

Project Wing: For Ahmedabad Metro Rail Project Phase – II & Surat Metro Rail Project

• Assistant Manager (Rolling Stock: 01 Post

• Assistant Manager (Signalling): 02 Posts

• Assistant Manager (L&E): 03 Posts
O&M-Civil Wing: For Ahmedabad Metro Rail


• Joint General Manager (Civil/Track (O&M)): 01 Post

• Deputy General Manager (Civil/Track (O&M)): 01 Post

• Manager (Civil/Track (O&M)): 02 Posts

• Assistant Manager (Civil/Track (O&M)): 04 Posts


• Senior Section Engineer (Civil/Track (O&M)): 03 Posts

• Section Engineer (Civil/Track (O&M)): 02 Posts

• Assistant Section Engineer (Civil/Track (O&M)): 04 Posts

• Junior Engineer (Civil/Track (O&M)): 04 Posts

• Maintainer (Civil/Track (O&M)): 04 Posts

Total Posts: 31 Posts

Educational Qualification:

Read their official notification for educational qualification.

How to Apply Online:

The application form must be filled online accurately, name, surname, date of birth, gender (category) or any other matter will not be amended later. Of which special note.

Important Dates:
• Starting Date of Apply Online : 13-10-2021
• Last Date to Apply Online : 12-11-2021

Notification: Click Here

Apply Online & More Details: Click Here

NOTE: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website – Thanks for visit this useful Post, Stay connected with us for more Posts.

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Nov 3, 2021

subh muhurt of diwali 2021

 subh muhurt of diwali 2021

દિવાળી ના શુભ મુહુર્ત

Diwali begins with Rama Ekadashi on Wednesday. The festivals of Diwali this year have an eclipse of dates, due to which the date of Dhanteras-Kalichaudash and the date of Kalichaudash-Diwali fall on the same day.

The five-day Dipotsav festival is starting from today. In some places this festival starts from Rama Ekadashi. Due to the difference in the calendar, there is confusion about Dhanteras this time. A few will celebrate the festival on November 12 and a few on November 13. According to astrologers from Varanasi, Tirupati and Ujjain, the thirteenth date this year will start on the evening of November 12 and will last till around 3 pm on November 13.

Due to this, November 12 is the thirteenth date in the pollution season, so on this evening, Dhanteras festival should be celebrated by worshiping Lord Dhanvantari and lighting the Yama Deepak. If you want to shop on the thirteenth date, you can do so on November 13th.

Thus Dhanteras can be purchased for 2 days. The 14th date will then start on the 13th and will last till about 1.25 pm on the 14th. Then Amas will start and on the 14th Kalichaudash and Diwali will be celebrated. On the 15th there will be Govardhan Puja and on the 16th there will be Bhai Beej Parva.

A special day with Dhanteras unseen moments: -

According to scholars, Dhanteras will be the best time for shopping in the evening with worship of Lakshmi and Kubera and Yama Dipdan. Shopping can be done all day as there is a tradition of shopping on the day of Dhanteras.

મહાલક્ષ્મી પુજા વિધી ગુજરાતીમાંં વાંચો 

It is auspicious to buy silver coins, Ganesha and Lakshmi statues on this day for the sake of keeping the family intact, as well as the tradition of buying gold and silver items. Apart from this it is customary to buy brass, bronze, steel and copper utensils.

Dhanvantari also appeared on this day, which is why this day is called Dhanteras. In Samudra Manthan, Lord Dhanvantari brought nectar in a kalash, so metal utensils are bought on this day.

Another puja performed on Diwali

Along with Diwali Lakshmiji, Delhi Vinayak (Sriganesha), Kalam, Saraswati, Kubera and Deepak are also worshiped. According to scriptures, this is a part of Deepavali worship. His worship brings happiness, prosperity, intelligence and auspiciousness. Simultaneously, the worship of the lamp destroys all kinds of sorrows and sins.

Dehli Vinayak Puja

Write om sriganeshay namah, swastika symbol, auspicious benefit on the walls of the shop or office with vermilion and while writing go chant om dehlivinayakaya namah mantra, worship with pooja material and flower at the same time.

Mahakali (medicine) worship

Place the medicine (ink pot) on the flower and rice near Mahalakshmi. Put vermilion on it and give Mauli (Nadachadi) ring. Rather than chanting Om Srimahakalyai Namah, perform puja by completing the worship of ink pots and Mahakali with fragrant objects and flowers.

Worship of the article

Tie Mauli (Nadachadi) on the article (Kalam) and keep it in front and chant Om Lekhnisthayai Devyai Namah Mantra and worship by smelling, flower, rice

Vahikhata Pujan

Draw a swastika with kanku or saffron-sandalwood on the vahikhata. Put five lumps of turmeric, coriander, lotus, rice, durva and a few rupees on it.


Meditate on Kubera by drawing a swastika on the vault or place to keep money. Aum Kuberaya Namah Worship with worship material and flowers while speaking. Instead of praying after pooja, keep turmeric, sandalwood, saffron, coriander, lotus, rupee and Durva in the treasury. Then pray to Kuber for money.

The date of Diwali starts from 2.18 pm on Saturday, November 14, and will last till 10.37 am on Sunday, November 15. In the meantime, New Year's Chopda Pujan, Lakshmi Pujan can be performed.

Sunday will be the due date as the date is not available. It is considered inauspicious to start a New Year's business on the fall day. Doing muhurat on this day does not keep the business afloat.

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Oct 30, 2021

Online Driving License Service: No need to push RTO office, verification will be done with support, 18 features can be availed from online platform


 Online Driving License Service: No need to push RTO office, verification will be done with support, 18 features can be availed from online platform

  • This feature will save you both time and money
  • You will be freed from the clutches of brokers

The Ministry of Roads, Transport and Highways has made a big decision. Now you don't have to go to the RTO office for all the features of a driving license. It will be verified by your support. This will save you both time and money. Under it, 18 facilities have been digitized.

No other documents need to be provided for driving license and vehicle registration. You have to go to and get your Aadhaar card verified. These 18 features can then be availed.

ગ્રામજનો માટે ગુજરાત સરકારની મોટી જાહેરાત, ડ્રાઈવિંગ લાયસન્સની આ 4 સેવા રૂ.20માં | Ek Vaat Kau video

Commencement of contactless service

The ministry on Thursday launched contactless service through Aadhaar verification. Now you don't have to go to the RTO office for renewal of driving license, duplicate license, registration application etc. The government delivery process has been simplified by using the Aadhaar card as an identity document.

The facility will be available through the vehicle portal

In order to avail the contactless service through the portal, anyone has to undergo Aadhaar verification, the ministry said in its notification. If one does not have an Aadhaar card, he can take advantage of these features by showing an Aadhaar enrollment ID slip. Even if you have to surrender the license, you can do so through Aadhaar.

Take advantage of these features

The services that you can avail now through Aadhaar will include learning license, driving license. You no longer need to take a driving test in a renewal license. Duplicate licenses can also be taken from it. It can also be used to change the address in the license, to issue an international permit. Notice of transfer of ownership can also be availed.

અહીંથી વાંચો સંપુર્ણ ગુજરાતી રીપોર્ટ

The vehicle will be facilitated from the platform

These services can be taken from the vehicle's online platform. You also have to register here through Aadhaar. It will then be verified. You can then select that feature if you wish. You can then apply for it. Until now you had to go to the RTO office for any licensed job in the country. For that you had to pay the broker and wait a long time. But now this new rule will remove all the problems related to your license and you can take advantage of it online.

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Oct 28, 2021

sore throat effective Ayurvedic remedies


If you have a sore throat, adopt these effective Ayurvedic remedies

Take 15-20 ml of mango juice twice a day with a teaspoon of honey

Troubles like sore throat with the changing seasons. Sore throat is also caused by a change in eating habits. Eating deep fried food like pakoda, bhajiya often causes sore throat. Ayurvedic Dr. Diksha Bhavsar said that sore throat can be avoided by adopting some home remedies.

Sore throat also causes pain.

1. To rinse

Add 1 teaspoon of turmeric and half a teaspoon of salt to 250 to 300 ml of water and boil for 5 minutes. When warm, rinse with this water. You can rinse 3-4 times a day. This will relax your throat.

2. Jethi honey powder will also benefit

Mix honey in one teaspoon of jethi honey powder, lick it twice or put warm water in it and rinse. Do this rinse once a day.

Mango juice is beneficial for the throat.

3. Mango juice

Take 15-20 ml of mango juice twice a day with a teaspoon of honey.

4. Beneficial fenugreek seeds

Boil one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in 250 ml of water for five minutes and strain it.

5. Cinnamon powder

Boil half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder in 250 ml of water for five minutes. When it is warm, mix honey and lemon in it and drink it.

Basil leaves are also beneficial in many ailments.

6. Basil leaves

Boil 4-5 basil leaves in water and strain it and drink it. You can also mix honey and ginger in it.

7. Black pepper is also beneficial

Dip turmeric and black pepper in warm milk and drink it before going to bed. This will get rid of the sore throat.

સ્વાસ્થ્યસુધા આયુર્વેદિક ગ્રંથ PDF અહીંથી ડાઉનલોડ કરો

આંખને સંબંધિત

આનુવંશિક રોગો


એલર્જી સંબંધિત

કિડની વિષે

કેન્સર સંબંધિત

જન્મજાત બહેરા-મુંગા બાળકો સંબંધિત

ચામડીના રોગ સંબંધિત

દાંત વિશેની માહિતી

પોષણ સંબંધિત

ફેફસા સંબંધિત

મગજને સંબંધિત

કાલ્પનિક ભય વિશે


લીવર સંબંધિત

શરીરના અંગો સાથે સંકળાયેલ રોગો                                  

સુક્ષ્માંણુંથી થતા રોગો


ડાયાબિટીસમાં અંકુશ

હાડકા સંબંધિત


હ્રદય સંબંધિત

8. Lemon and honey

Mix half a teaspoon of lemon and honey in warm water. Drink it Drink warm water all day. It will also give relief to the throat.

અહીંથી વાંચો સંપુર્ણ ઉપચાર ગુજરાતીમા 


All these home remedies will relieve sore throat. Sore throat is caused by changing seasons. It can also be cured with home remedies..

Ginger rich in antibacterial properties

Ginger has antibacterial properties, relieving sore throat and pain. Boil ginger in a cup of water. Then drink that water two to three times. Doing so will greatly relieve sore throat.

Garlic will get relief

Garlic is very beneficial for health. To relieve sore throat, keep a clove of garlic on both sides of the mouth and rotate slowly. The sore throat will be relieved as the garlic juice goes down the throat.

Salt water

When the throat is bad, the cells of the mucous membrane become swollen. Salt reduces this swelling, which is relieved. Apart from this, tea made from cloves, basil, ginger and pepper is also beneficial..

Drink cinnamon milk

Cinnamon cures sore throat. Heat the milk in a pan to make cinnamon milk, put a small piece of cinnamon wood in it and turn off the gas. Then mix honey in it and strain it. Sore throat and pain will be relieved.

Stay away from spicy dishes

Remember not to eat more spicy food when you have a sore throat. Avoid cold water and ice cream to control sore throat.

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Oct 27, 2021

The Best Running Apps to Take on Your Workout

 The Best Running Apps to Take on Your Workout

Upgrade to premium to take advantage of race-training plans from the ASICS Institute of Sport Science, more detailed progress insights (like side-by-side workout comparisons and weather data), prescribed workouts, and live run tracking. (P.S. these other running apps can also help you train for a specific race.)

Running App – GPS Run Tracker

Leap running app provides a variety of plans for weight loss. All plans are beginner friendly, and can help you stay motivated, lose weight and achieve different fitness goals, such as increasing your pace. You can get audio feedback from the voice coach.

Running is proven to increase metabolism, and you can burn more calories with specific plan. Our app provides plans that designed by professional fitness coach to make weight loss effective, easy and fun. These running, jogging and walking plans are suitable for all levels.

It tracks running stats, records routes with GPS in real time, and helps improve your running performance with detailed analysis and insight graphs. This powerful mile tracker tracks all key stats, distance, time, speed, calories burned, elevation, etc.

Various Training Plans :

Walking for weight loss – Suitable for everyone. Lose weight with interval walking.

Running for weight loss – Even you’re a newbie, you can complete your running plan as easily as jogging plan.

Pace academy – Increase pace and endurance for your next goal.

My first 5K – Complete your first 5k with coach guide.

Running Tracker :

Set goals – Set your weekly and yearly goals to make running a habit. Boost your weight loss progress.

Analyze every run – It monitors all your running stats in real time and analyzes them in graphs.

Match the same path – It records your same-route runs and shows the trends of your running performance over time.

Map your route – With GPS running tracker, you can record your routes with GPS, save your paths and share your route maps with friends.

Get audio feedback – Get audio feedback (duration, distance, calories, pace, etc) from the voice coach to take control of your training and improve your performance.

Powerful Analysis :

Compare your performance with stats at different distances and time periods.

Scientifically analyze your training patterns to improve your performance.

Clear and stylish graphic design.

GPS Running Tracker :

Want a GPS running tracker to track run? Want a map running app to track running? Want your run map? Try this GPS running tracker to track run and get your run map. This map running app and run tracker accurately track run on the map with GPS in real time, and provides you run map.


Distance Tracker for Running :

This run tracker and map running app track your distance tracker for walking and your distance tracker for running. It’s not only a run tracker, but also a run GPS tracker to track running. Use the best run GPS tracker and jog tracker to track your distance tracker for walking and your distance tracker for running.

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